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International Institute for Nonviolent Action

International Institute for Nonviolent Action NOVACT

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures ONG Internationale

Novact – International Institute for Nonviolent Action promotes international peace building actions in conflict situations. The Institute has been created through the collective effort of those active in international civil society to contribute to a peaceful, just, and dignified world.

Through a global network of experts and activists in the Middle East, Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia, the Institute supports nonviolent movements, working for change and social transformation, and develops nonviolent interventions to protect vulnerable communities in conflict situations.

As a committed and politically independent actor, the Institute promotes actions, innovative ideas, research and training in order to influence the policies of defense, security and foreign policy in Europe and other international contexts. With the main office located in the Mediterranean city of Barcelona, Novact is a project of Nova-Social Innovation. Nova is registered as a non-governmental organization (NGO) and it is registered as such with the United Nations. It obtains its funding from committed citizens and public institutions, which enables Novact to maintain its independence.


Through the use of nonviolent action, NOVACT struggles to achieve a society based on human security and nonviolence, as well as a society free of armed conflicts and violence in all its dimensions. Understanding nonviolence as a strategy for transformation, NOVACT aims to contribute to a peaceful, just, and dignified world.

To achieve its aim, NOVACT pursues the following objectives:

  • To support nonviolent or peaceful civil resistance movements, which work for conflict transformation and/or in situations of injustice, ensuring human security and provision of basic needs, developing rights and freedoms, and promoting societies that can live without fear of violation of their values and rights.
  • To develop Nonviolent and Civil Operations of Peacekeeping in order to protect vulnerable populations in situations of armed conflict, through the creation of systems for peace-building and conflict prevention, reconciliation and political transition, where local civil society and/or representative institutions demand it.
  • To observe, to investigate, to facilitate and to support processes of peace building, mediation, peacekeeping and conflict prevention, with special attention to the promotion of the rule of law and improvement of human security.
  •  To use advocacy in order to ensure that governmental, local and international actors work in favor of human security, peace building and democracy in all its dimensions, ensuring equality of treatment and respect for everybody.


Plaça Catalunya, Nº 9, 5é ,08002 Barcelona

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