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BBC Media Action

BBC Media Action BBC Media Action

Implanté depuis 1999

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures ONG Internationale

BBC Media Action is the BBC’s international development charity. It is legally, financially and operationally independent from the BBC, but builds on the fundamental values and editorial standards of the BBC to guide its work.

BBC Media Action grew out of earlier BBC initiatives, including a charity called “Marshall Plan of the Mind”. This was set up to encourage high standards of journalism in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe in the 1990s.

We now sit in BBC’s World Service Group (BBC World Service, BBC World News, BBC Monitoring and BBC Media Action).  

But although BBC World Service and BBC Media Action share a joint heritage and enjoy a very close relationship through broadcast partnerships that reach millions of people, our organisations are distinct.

BBC Media Action is a development organisation. We work with many media, non-governmental, academic and donor organisations around the world. We have developed a distinct character, identity and set of beliefs of our own.

Since we are independent from the BBC and not funded by the licence fee, none of our work would be possible without the backing of our generous donors – governments, foundations, corporations and individuals.

BBC Media Action changed its name from BBC World Service Trust on 16 December 2011.

BBC Media Action’s communication projects are rooted in local people’s experiences and understanding. Our extensive research programme – called “world class” by the UK government’s Department for International Development (DFID) – provides insight into the lives of our audiences to ensure that our projects reflect their needs and circumstances.

We  use our data to monitor how effectively our programmes engage people and stimulate change; lessons learned are then built into future projects. To share our findings and learning as widely as possible, we publish policy and research reports and briefings to inform communication for development practitioners and policy-makers.

Since we are not funded by the licence fee, none of this work would be possible without the backing of our generous donors – governments, foundations, corporations and individuals.

Transforming lives through media around the world

Media and communication can inform, connect and empower. They can help people bring about lasting change in their lives. We use mass media and outreach to achieve impact at scale. Our organisation has special expertise in working in fragile and conflict-affected societies where political, security or other factors mean that media is one of the few options available to reach and engage marginalised groups. We work across four themes:

Our projects are designed around four mutually reinforcing and interrelated activities:


Our research seeks to: understand audiences’ needs, attitudes and media and communication habits; inform and adapt programming; and assess impact.

Capacity strengthening 

We strengthen the capacity of local and national media organisations – state-owned, commercial and community-based – to produce high quality, editorially robust and engaging content that responds to audience needs. We also work at the systems level to foster a policy, legislative and regulatory environment which enables media organisations to work in the public interest. Furthermore, we seek to enhance capacity among partner organisations (a mix of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), media outlets, and government bodies) to work with media and communication to improve development outcomes. Capacity strengtheningaims to support long-term, lasting change for audiences.

Production and dissemination of media content

Creative, informative and entertaining media outputs are at the core of our approach. Wherever possible, we work in partnership with local media houses to produce a wide range of media content, developed on the understanding that different formats serve different purposes and can influence audiences in a variety of ways. Outputs include TV and radio dramas, radio call-in and magazine shows, public service advertisements, billboards and interactive content for mobile phones.

Outreach: Community mobilisation and interpersonal communication

Outreach activities form a key part of our comprehensive communication approach. We provide audio-visual and print materials for use by community groups or outreach workers and work with local community organisations to convene discussion groups, road shows, street theatre and community events. This helps us to reach people who might not ordinarily have access to mass media and facilitate more discussion, deepening our impact and providing vital opportunities for audiences to input into programme-making.

BBC Media Action has a team of more than 100 researchers, providing research, evaluation and insight in London and across the countries in which we work. Research is used to underpin, develop, monitor and evaluate our projects and interventions. The data and insights we gather inform BBC Media Action’s programmes and contribute to knowledge in the media for development sector at large.

We also have a team of thematic advisers that provides technical support and guidance to the design, delivery and evaluation of projects to ensure strategies are rooted in the best research, analysis and experience within and outside the organisation. Insights derived from our practice are shared externally with media development agencies, practitioners, NGOs and civil society. 

Our policy team informs development policy makers, academics, think tanks and practitioners about the value of supporting a free and pluralistic media in the Global South and the importance of media and communication to achieving development objectives.



We believe in the power of media and communication to help reduce poverty and support people in understanding their rights. Our aim is to inform, connect and empower people around the world.

We work in partnership to provide access to useful, timely, reliable information. We help people make sense of events, engage in dialogue and take action to improve their lives.


Office and postal address: BBC Media Action, Ibex House, 42-47 Minories, London, EC3N 1DY.

Événements 2 événements au total

Opportunités 114 opportunités au total

Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel d’offres Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à consultants Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Appel d’offres Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action
Offre d'emploi Offre Expirée
Lancé par BBC Media Action

Publications 5 publications au total

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