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Natural Resource Governance Institute

Natural Resource Governance Institute NRGI

Implanté depuis 2013

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier Partenaire Technique ONG Internationale

NRGI is an independent, global policy analysis and advocacy institute that works collaboratively to generate
and translate knowledge into policy reform in resourcerich countries. We share good practice, captured in the intellectual framework of the Natural Resource Charter, analyze the evidence, and deploy contextually relevant tools and approaches. We strengthen local accountability actors, with an emphasis on civil society, to hold governments accountable and to contribute to policy reform by building their technical capacities and enabling access to key decision makers and influencers.
We support reform-minded policy makers by providing credible analysis and evidence so that they can make informed decisions in the best interests of current and future generations. We reinforce this development of
domestic capacity for change by targeting regional and global influencers.

Our independent, non-profit organization provides policy advice and advocacy infused with lessons learned in the field and with insights developed through rigorous research. We share our knowledge and experience freely with policy-makers, accountability actors, and the global campaign for improved international norms. We are particularly well-placed to convene reform-oriented dialogue and to engage in constructive policy advocacy.

We are presently deepening our efforts in a select number of priority countries, focusing on critical aspects of the natural resource decision chain, based on country needs and demand. Evaluations of our work show that we have greater impact if we engage with diverse change agents across the decision chain in fewer countries, rather than with limited interventions across many countries. We are concentrating our financial and human resources more strategically in high-impact programs in particular countries, and we also engage in global issues related to governance in natural resources.


We work so that countries rich in oil, gas and minerals achieve sustainable, inclusive development; and that people receive lasting benefits from extractives, and experience reduced harms.


  • NRGI commits to assisting countries to get a good deal for their resources, and ensure that the resulting revenues are managed for the benefit of citizens—today and for future generations.
  • : Licensing and fiscal systems are transparent, fair and help countries maximize the revenues available for development spending.
  • Laws, regulations and contracts
  • License and contract award processes
  • Tax systems


Natural Resource Governance Institute 80 Broad Street, Suite 1801 New York, NY 10004 USA

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