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The Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC)

The Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) FSVC

Implanté depuis 2011

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures ONG Internationale

The Financial Services Volunteer Corps (FSVC) is a not-for-profit organization that advances economic development by strengthening financial sectors in developing countries.  We believe that healthy financial systems are vital to promoting job creation, economic growth and a better quality of life.

How do we work?

FSVC delivers practical technical assistance to local partners by deploying senior financial sector professionals who serve as unpaid volunteer experts.

Our core areas of expertise include strengthening central banking capacity, improving commercial banking sectors, and developing robust capital markets.

We also work to improve access to financial services for SMEs, advance financial inclusion, strengthen public financial management, and combat money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Who do we work with?

FSVC works with public and private sector institutions in host countries, including financial regulators, ministry officials, law enforcement representatives, banks and non-bank financial institutions, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and civil society representatives, among others.

What makes us different?

FSVC’s model makes it unique among its peers, as training and advice are inherently objective.

Moreover, our programs are demand-driven, and local partners are responsible for requesting targeted technical assistance to address self-identified challenges.

This dynamic leads to meaningful relationships built on mutual trust and understanding, ultimately resulting in sustainable progress and reform.


FSVC provides practical, demand-driven technical assistance to counterparts in developing and emerging market countries delivered by financial services professionals who serve as unpaid volunteer experts.  As a result, FSVC’s technical assistance is objective, current and state-of-the-art.

Who We Work With

Public Sector

  • Central Banks
  • Government Ministries
  • Financial and Non-Financial Regulators
  • Pension Funds
  • Tax Authorities
  • Judges
  • Magistrates
  • Law Enforcement Officials
  • State-Owned Enterprises

Private Sector

  • Commercial Banks
  • Microfinance Institutions
  • Insurance Companies
  • Securities Firms
  • Designated Non-Financial Business and Professions
  • Civil Society Organizations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations
  • Industry Associations
  • Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs)

FSVC’s flexible approach enables us to provide technical assistance where it is most urgently needed, and the areas in which we work are constantly evolving to adapt to changes in the global economy.

enables us to provide technical assistance where it is most urgently needed, and the areas in which we work are constantly evolving to adapt to changes in the global economy.


  • Expanding Access to Finance
  • Combating Money Laundering & Terrorist Financing
  • Strengthening Regulation & Supervision
  • Promoting Capital Markets Development
  • Expanding Commercial Banking
  • Strengthening Public Financial Management
  • Symposia


Immeuble Chiaar, Cite Mahrajene, 1082 Tunis


Moez Dalloua

Regional Director


Sawsen Ben Lakhdher

Operations and Communication Officer

+216 20 776 568


Événements 2 événements au total

Actualité associative

Opportunités 32 opportunités au total

Appel à candidatures Offre Expirée

Supporté par

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