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Implanté depuis 1985

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre ONG Internationale

Cesvi works in the most serious humanitarian emergencies in the world: complex situations which can be caused by natural disasters and calamities or by human action.

Cesvi has brought Italy’s solidarity to all the most difficult theatres, earning the trust and esteem of the beneficiaries and of the international community.

Even in the worst humanitarian emergencies (earthquakes, floods, epidemics, famine, war), our organisation’s aim is to back up primary assistance with the capacity to build a new start and development, betting on the involvement of the beneficiaries.

In the mid ’90s, in the heart of the war, Cesvi intervened for the first time in the Balkans in turmoil for the ethnic-religious conflicts.

In 1994-1995 in Bosnia, as well as working in the health sector, we reopened small local factories. While operating in Muslim Croatia and Serbian Bosnia and in revolution torn Albania, in 1998 Cesvi entered Kosovo to take care of the ethnic Albanian population. In 1999 the population of Kosovo evacuated to Macedonia and Albania and Cesvi was with them in the refugee camps. Later it returned to Kosovo to contribute to the reconstruction and, when the persecution of the Serbian minority started, took care of the community.

In Macedonia Cesvi set up nine “Babylon Centres” to promote peace and living in harmony between children and youths of different ethnic groups. The legacy of this experience is the House of Smiles, still active today in Srebrenica.

In 1997 Cesvi was the first western NGO to open an office in Pyongyang, capital of North Korea stricken by the economic crisis and by famine. The food with nutritional supplement for children were shipped by sea from Ho Chi Minh City, where we had set up an Infant Nutrition Centre.

Over the years there have been many humanitarian emergencies where Cesvi has been in the front line: the tsunami in south east Asia (2004), the earthquakes in Peru (2007) and Pakistan (2008), theearthquake in Haiti (2010), the flooding in Pakistan (2010 – 2011), the earthquake in Emilia Romagna, Italy (2012), the typhoon in the Philippines (2013), the earthquake in Nepal (2015).

Regrettably, some emergencies are still before of everyone’s eyes. The war in Libya, begun in February 2011, has triggered a crisis in the Mediterranean setting off a domino effect which has led to the conflict in Syria and the greatest exodus since the second world war.

The famine and drought which struck the Horn of Africa in 2012 persist, due to climate change (el Niño), setting off serious consequences in Ethiopia and Somalia, countries where we are also working to deal with the consequences of a 25-year-long civil war. Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and other areas of Central America, such as Haiti, and of south east Asia have also been severely struck.

Our strategy is based on an integrated approach which aims to eradicate the causes of hunger and poverty.


From 1985 to the present time, Cesvi has helped millions of people in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Europe, working with hundreds of local associations and dealing with epochal challenges such as the Balkan conflicts, famine in North Korea, the AIDS pandemic in Africa, the Tsunami tragedy, the earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal and many other crises and situations of poverty.

A solid commitment, always in the front line, which now concerns Italy too, where Cesvi supports the poorer bracket of the population as well as the unaccompanied foreign minors who make landfall on our shores.

  • 1985

On the 18th of January, following a voluntary work experience in Nicaragua, Cesvi was established. In the founders’ minds development must be reached through involvement of the beneficiaries and the deployment of their organisations.

  • 1987

Cesvi runs its first project on agricultural development in Uruguay.

  • 1988

The ministry for foreign affairs recognizes Cesvi as a Non-Governmental Organisation. In 2012 Cesvi becomes a Participatory Foundation.

  • 1990

Cesvi presents the accounts for the obligatory certification procedure for companies quoted on the stock market, developing a reporting system that is unique and revolutionary.

  • 1994

Cesvi operates in Bosnia in the health sector and reopens some local factories to supply aid to the refugees. It is still active in Srebrenica, where it has opened a House of Smiles to foster living together between children and youths of different ethnic and religious backgrounds.

Cesvi is the first western NGO to operate in North Korea, a country exhausted by famine. The integrated food supplements for children, produced in the Child Nutrition Centre set up in Ho Chi Minh City, are sent by sea from Vietnam.

  • 1998

In the two years 1998/99 Cesvi continues to work in the Balkans, devastated by war: in Bosnia, Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia, side by side with all the races. It rebuilds houses, school, hospitals, orphanages, rest homes, water pipelines, electricity distribution, transport services and rubbish collection.

  • 2000

The first non-profit in Italy, Cesvi wins its first Balance sheet Oscar. In 2011 it wins this prestigious award a second time.2001

On the 10th of may Takunda is born, healthy, to a seropositive mother thanks to a treatment protocol introduced in a rural area of Zimbabwe. The Let’s Stop AIDs at Birth campaign is started.

  • 2002

With Vodafone, Cesvi launches the supporting text message in Italy. In the same year it joins Alliance2015, a network of European NGOs united in the fight against poverty.

  • 2004

Adding value to the experience gained in Romania, Cesvi sets up the House of Smiles in Peru, Zimbabwe, Brazil, India.

  • 2007

Cesvi launches the Stop Child Labourcampaign in partnership with Alliance2015. The objective is to remind everyone, citizens, governments, businesses and other social players, of their responsibilities towards the victims of child labour.

  • 2010

Earthquake in Haiti, floods in Pakistan, war in Libya, famine in the horn of Africa: Cesvi is present in all the great emergencies in the world of 2010 – 2012. In March 2011 it is the first NGO to enter Libya with emergency food supplies.

  • 2012

Cesvi operates for the first time in Italy for the population of Emilia, struck by the earthquake. The first action is for three companies working in strategic sectors in the territory. With the second project Cesvi launches a plan for support of children and parents, working with three social cooperatives in Modena.

  • 2013

With the campaign Food Right Now Cesvi is recognised as an important voice on the subject of the right to food and food security. For the sixth year running Cesvi publishes the Italian edition of the Global Hunger Index  (GHI), one of the most important reports on hunger at a global level.

  • 2015

In its thirtieth anniversary year Cesvi takes part in EXPO Milan 2015 with the Alliance2015 partners and launches, for the first time in Italy, the international edition of the GHI. In the months of April and May it faces up to the challenge of the earthquake in Nepal.


Cesvi works all over the world to protect human rights and support the most vulnerable populations in achieving their own aspirations, and to ensure the sustainable development.

We believe that the respect of human rights can contribute to the wellbeing of anybody on the planet, our common home to be preserved.

Opening health centres in rural areas, health programmes for the prevention of AIDS and Malaria, support for needy children, sinking wells or building schools or flood defences, interventions of environmental protection, agricultural training, setting up of cooperatives: these are actions that, though very different from each other, fall under the definition of “international cooperation for development”, a variegated set of projects and exchanges which bring countries, populations and people together in a common task of solidarity to the end of combatting poverty and inequality.

Every day Cesvi operates with the conviction that helping those populations which are more vulnerable, because of underdevelopment, or more unfortunate, because of wars, natural calamities and environmental disasters, not only gives immediate relief to those who suffer but over time contributes to everyone’s wellbeing because the Earth is our “shared home” to be preserved for future generations.

When planning and implementing operations, Cesvi counts on local resources and on dialogue, involvement and collective mobilization of the people to be helped, because communal participation is an indispensable factor to guaranteeing efficacy and sustainability of the actions undertaken.

The ideal goal to aim for is the passage from emergency to development: the ability to transform humanitarian relief into an opportunity to build medium and long term projects that promote the strengthening and self-development of the receiving communities.

Cooperation for development is also understood as the chance to create, augment and consolidate global economic interdependence and this, through the broadening of markets and a more fluid circulation of productive factors, can ensure economic growth for all peoples.

The economic politics scene in recent years has put in question the traditional concept of international cooperation: if on one hand new players have entered the field on the other the paradigm has been lost by which there are countries “left behind” – which need development, means and knowledge – and rich developed countries. Planetary interdependence shows that all phenomena, including wealth and poverty, are closely related.

In this new context Cesvi has recognised the possibility of operating in Italy,  singling out the most needy areas in which to make the expertise, acquired in over 30 years of work worldwide, available.

Since 2011 our organisation has been adding interventions in Italy to the cooperation projects abroad, aiming in particular to foster the integration of the migrant communities resident in our country. The first social intervention of Cesvi in Italy fits into this picture, offering significant support to three companies and social cooperatives of the province of Modena, badly hurt by the earthquake of May 2012.

Cesvi also promotes information and awareness campaigns in Italy and Europe in order to encourage a culture of worldwide solidarity, particularly among the younger generations.


  • response tou humanitarian emergencies
  • the fights against hunger in the world
  • child protection
  • Aids, Malaria ans other pandemics
  • environment and sustainable development


24128 Bergamo, via Broseta 68/a

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