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Centre for Research, Studies Documentation and Information on Women

Centre for Research, Studies Documentation and Information on Women CREDIF

Implanté depuis 1990

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique ONG Internationale


Since its independence on March 20, 1956 Tunisia has made considerable efforts for the advancement of women’s status, supporting their role in society and in various areas of life.

 The Personal Status Code promulgated on August 13, 1956 (after successive revisions and amendments) empowered by 1993 reforms, therefore, represented an adequate legislative basis, which put Tunisian women at the heart of human development strategy.  In fact, such code upgrades women from gender equality to the level of active partner to contribute to the viable development plans.

 Indeed, to implementthe state’ssocial projects aiming to boost women’s conditions and their rights, CERDIF was established to undertake the role of an institution highly specialized on women’s issues. So, CERDIF contributes to enlarge women’s participation in development activities and serves to implement the state’s policy in this area. Therefore, CERDIF becomes one of the scientific references specialized in Gender issues.

 Thanks to numerous activities, programs and studies, CERDIF reached an important position at the national and international levels, which made it a “Pole of Expertise” in issues related to women. Obviously, CREDIF’s activities and programs increased the attraction of governmental and non-governmental organizations specialized in women’s issues throughout the world.

 Since CREDIF foundation in 1990 and over many years the center’s General Management has been entrusted to:

  • Ms. Soukeina Bouraoui:  from  January 1st, 1990  to May 10, 1996
  • Ms. Zakia Bouaziz :  from  May 11, 1996       to August 13, 1999
  • Ms. Boutheina Gribaa : from  August 14, 1999    to December 17, 2003
  • Ms. Saida Rahmouni  :  from December 18, 2003 to January 31, 2010
  • Ms. Imen Belhedi :  from March 25, 2010 to July 01, 2011
  • Ms. Dalanda Largech :from october 10, 2011 to august 2013
  • Ms. Rachida Tlili selaoutti: since October, 2013


The Centre for Research, Studies, Documentation and Information on Women (CREDIF) wasestablished by Law No. 78 enacted August 7, 1990 amended and revised by Law No. 121 datedDecember 29, 1992.
The CREDIF is under the supervision of the Ministry of Women, Family and Childhood. The center is a nonpublic administrative institution pursuant to decree No. 546 dated March 31, 1997. Financial and administrative management is seized pursuant to decree No. 1986 datedDecember 27, 1993 amended by decree No. 1205 dated March 31, 1999.



To perform its assigned tasks, CREDIF operates at different levels:

 Conducting research on women and their status in Tunisian society as well as on their contributions to the development of society based on gender relations.

  • Collecting, processing and disseminating data and documentation disaggregated by gender so as to provide reports on the evolution of the presence of women and men in various developmental fields.
  • Collecting documents about women’s conditions and their distribution to a wider public usage.
  • Providing databases (bibliographical, documentaries and statistics) on Tunisian women’s issues.
  • Participating in the popularization of women’s rights and the Tunisian approach in promoting the status of women.
  • Preparing reports on the condition of women in Tunisian society at the request of competent governmental authorities.
  • Participating in providing training sessions to develop women’s and men’s potentials at the national and international levels focussing on gender issues.

Participating in an advisory capacity in the working activities of different public institutions established to study, organize and promote actions and taking initiatives in supporting greater participation of women in the development process and modernization of the Tunisian society.


Avenue du Roi Abdulaziz Al-Saoud – Rue Farhat Ben Afia (martyr), Manar 2 Tunisia, 2092, Tunisia

Projets 1 projet au total

Événements 30 événements au total

تـــــونـــس تــــحــــب تــــونـــس تـــنـــجـــم – كلمة نساء

مدينة الثقافة تونس Cité de la Culture Tunis Rue Cyrus Le Grand, 1002 Tunis à partir de 14:30

عاملات المنازل : المسارات والمعيش والتموقع الإجتماعي

Avenue du Roi Abdulaziz Al-Saoud – Rue Farhat Ben Afia (martyr) El Manar II Tunis. 2092 la République Tunisienne, 2092 Tunis à partir de 09:30

العـنف المسلّـط على المراهقات وحاجياتهن من حيث الخدمات

Avenue du Roi Abdulaziz Al-Saoud – Rue Farhat Ben Afia (martyr) El Manar II Tunis à partir de 09:00

النّـــــــــساء السّجينـــــــات – Femmes Prisonnières

Credif - كريديف Avenue du Roi Abdulaziz Al-Saoud – Rue Farhat Ben Afia (martyr) El Manar II Tunis. 2092 la République Tunisienne, 2092 Tunis à partir de 14:00

شباب يناصر المساواة في الميراث

Golden Tulip El Mechtel, Avenue Ouled Hafouz, Tunis à partir de 17:30

Présentation des livres “Le Bras de Fer” et “Chronique d’une Constituante”

Avenue du Roi Abdulaziz Al-Saoud – Rue Farhat Ben Afia (martyr) El Manar II, Tunis à partir de 14:30

Actualité associative

Opportunités 20 opportunités au total

Publications 1 publication au total

Relation publiques 4 éléments médias au total

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