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Consultancy for Documentation of diaspora support to self-reliance/job creation and community-led initiatives in Tunisia-DRC Retour vers les opportunités

Danish Refugee Council

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18 Août 2023 Il y a 2 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Documentation of diaspora support to self-reliance / job creation and community-led initiatives in Tunisia

  1. Who is the Danish Refugee Council?

Founded in 1956, the Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a leading international NGO and one of the few with a specific expertise in forced displacement. Active in 40 countries with 9,000 employees and supported by 7,500 volunteers, DRC protects, advocates, and builds sustainable futures for refugees and other displacement affected people and communities. DRC works during displacement at all stages: In the acute crisis, in displacement, when settling and integrating in a new place, or upon return. DRC provides protection and life-saving humanitarian assistance; supports displaced persons in becoming self-reliant and included into hosting societies; and works with civil society and responsible authorities to promote protection of rights and peaceful coexistence.

DRC has been working in Tunisia since 2011 as part of a coordinated Libya-Tunisia program responding to regional instability following the Arab Spring revolutions. DRC has been one of the main implementing agencies providing services in Shousha refugee camp, as well as to refugees living in urban centres in southern Tunisia. From 2014 to 2021, DRC implemented a series of armed violence reduction projects aimed at enhancing community security and resilience in key border towns in Tunisia. In 2022, DRC North Africa has restructured itself and established a joint legal entity for Tunisia and Algeria investing skills and resources to continue to develop its existing portfolio and expand its services to migrants and other displacement affected populations in both countries.

  1. Purpose of the consultancy

The overall purpose of this consultancy is to establish the knowledgebase for development of a “Diaspora component” within the ongoing Danish Refugee Council/Mixed Migration Masarat project funded by the EU via the Migration Partnership Facility (MPF). The consultancy will thus help DRC improve socio-economic opportunities and (re)integration of Tunisian returned migrants through the identification and piloting of community-led socio-economic integration models through diaspora engagement schemes.

  1. Background

Observations from other DRC country and field operations, indicate that diaspora engagement in countries of origin, has far-reaching effects within a wide range of areas – including household and community resilience, conflict and peace, economic recovery, political engagement, etc. 


DRC has, since 2010, operated a diaspora programme to strengthen the constructive aspects of diaspora engagement in former home countries. So far focus has been on Somali, Afghan, Ukrainian, Ethiopian, Syrian, and Lebanese diaspora, and has included a funding mechanism, emergency response, business engagement/job creation, protection information, diaspora civil society mobilization, and advocacy.


Observing that an estimated 6.9% (813,213) of the Tunisian population (with Tunisian citizenship) live abroad, and the fact that they send back considerable amounts to family and relatives the diaspora has for decades significantly impacted the economic and political situation in Tunisia. In 2021, Tunisians sent back 3.08 Billion USD in remittances, equaling 6.6% of the country’s total GDP.


There is no doubt that the bulk of these remittances is spent by recipients for daily needs – food, education, health etc. However, it is also DRCs observations, that local communities and households benefit extensively from diaspora economic engagement through other engagement models, including:


  1. Direct engagement by diaspora investors / entrepreneurs in starting up new businesses or partnering with existing businesses. 
  2. Supporting relatives – through remittances – to start a new business or expand an existing business 
  3. Support to community-led initiatives in communities targeted by DRC for reintegration of returnees.


  1. Objectives and deliverables of the consultancy

The objective of this consultancy is to document the local impact and existing practices of diaspora support to community-led initiatives in selected communities. 


The findings from the research will be used to inform subsequent programming in addressing existing challenges to diaspora engagement and to further leverage positive impact of diaspora support to community-led initiatives.


The consultancy is expected to deliver:

  • A mapping of community led initiatives that have been implemented with support from diaspora in DRCs target communities over the past 20 years.
  • A description of the typical processes and interaction between communities and diaspora for identification, funding, and implementation of community led initiatives.
  • A description of the organizational structures in the diaspora and the local communities that initiate, fund and implement the community led initiatives.
  • Identification of challenges for diaspora support to community-led initiatives


  1. Scope of work and Methodology

Reflecting the above objectives and deliverables, the consultant is – more specifically – required to produce the following outputs.  


  • Literature review:
  • An overview of main points, conclusions and recommendations from existing relevant literature / legal framework for diaspora support to communities in Tunisia, with a focus on DRCs project target area.


  • Baseline mapping of diaspora  support to community-led projects in the target area:


  • Identification and listing of all community-led initiatives in DRCs target communities that have been implemented with support from diaspora over the past 20 years.


  • Documentation of processes applied for diaspora support to community-led initiatives:
    • For each initiative, for selected initiatives (if there are many), or each category of initiatives, the processes and interaction between communities and diaspora should be documented. This should include identification of main stakeholders 
    • As for the funding of the initiatives, the modalities should be described (fully funded by diaspora, cost sharing between local stakeholders and diaspora). To the extent possible, amounts should be captured.


In describing the organization and the fundraising processes the following questions should be answered:

  • For each identified initiative, who were the main stakeholders at the local level and in the diaspora (CBOs, local authorities, religious stakeholders, diaspora associations, tribal structures, etc.) and what where their particular role in the projects?
  • How was the diaspora mobilized for support to community led initiatives? 
  • Were the community-led initiatives mostly supported by diaspora that originate from that particular community, or did the initiatives also get support from a broader diaspora?
  • What were the main motives for diaspora to support the community-led initiatives?
  • Were diasporas that supported different initiatives organized along similar principles?
  • How did the communication and mobilization of funds take place within  the diaspora?
  • Any other role played by diaspora (expertise, knowledge, etc.)?
  • What was the accountability of local actors towards diaspora for the funds spent?
  • Any involvement by local or higher-level authorities?
  • What were the main challenges for local communities in raising the funding from diaspora?
  • What were the main challenges within diaspora in supporting community-led initiatives?


  • Document lessons learned and best practices:
  • Identify and document lessons learned and best practices as applied by diaspora actors and local communities to overcome challenges. Such lessons learned and best practices will potentially serve to inspire others from the local communities or diaspora.
  • Capture communities and diaspora actors’ recommendations for the type of support needed to boost the level of diaspora engagement in community development.
  • Identify prominent diaspora communities/ actors that could be potential partners in expanding or starting up activities in the area.


  • Outline of the institutional framework within which diaspora community support takes place:
  • Document main policies and stakeholders regulating diaspora support to local communities, that a potential DRC diaspora component would have to relate to.
  • Identify other initiatives that any DRC diaspora related activities should relate to.


General comments on methodology

As this research is largely exploratory with a mix of primary and secondary sources of information, the overall methodology will generally be qualitative. Literature review and parts of the baseline mapping should primarily draw on, and present existing quantitative data (including data obtained from local consultations), with a view to illustrate scale/impact of diaspora support to community-driven initiatives. 


The documentation should use a qualitative methodology based on 


  • KIIs with relevant stakeholders in Tunisia, including local authorities, CBOs, community leaders, religious leaders, and other local actors including money transfer operators, or businesspeople.
  • KIIs with relevant stakeholders among the diaspora who have been identified through the community consultations in Tunisia. These will probably include diaspora community leaders, women’s groups, religious groups, businesspeople, and others who have actively supported local initiatives in Tunisia.
  • FGDs can be held to the extent this is deemed useful.


The number of KIIs should be determined in consultation with DRC, based on the number of community-led, and diaspora-supported projects that have been identified through the consultations.


Informants should aim to include 50 % local stakeholders and 50% diaspora stakeholders.


  1. Deliverables 

The Consultant will submit the following deliverables: 


Phase Expected deliverables Indicative description tasks Maximum expected days
1 Inception report For approval from DRC, before proceeding to subsequent deliverables 3
Literature review (Max 10 pages) For discussion with, and approval by DRC, before proceeding to subsequent deliverables 4
3 Baseline mapping of community-led initiatives supported by diaspora (Max 10 pages) Upon presentation of the baseline findings, a meeting should be held between the consultant and DRC to discuss any implications for documentation of processes 8
4 Documentation of processes mainly through KIIs and possibly also through FGDs Besides the detailed description of the processes for community-led initiatives, the transcripts (including contact details) will be valuable for subsequent engagement with stakeholders. 14
Documentation of lessons learned and best practice cases This can be done as an integral part of the process documentation. It is however essential to have lessons learned and best practices cases separately spelled out.  2
5 Outline of the institutional and legal framework for diaspora business engagement. (Max 5 pages) 1
6 Preparation and holding of debriefing workshop for DRC Tunisia Internal debriefing workshop to present the main findings from the research. 3
7 Final report presenting data, analysis, conclusions and recommendations for DRC Tunisia programming. (Max. 35 pages) First draft should be presented, and after incorporation of feedback from DRC, the report can be considered final. 5
8 Final presentations 

  • Internal to DRC 
  • External presentation to relevant stakeholders 
Total days 43


The documentation should be delivered through email. 

  1. Duration, timeline, and payment

The total expected duration to complete the assignment will be no more than 41 working days 

The consultant shall be prepared to complete the assignment no later than 

Timeline and Payment schedule:

Deliverables  Due Date Approving Party Associated Payment
Inception report 10%
Literature review and transcripts from literature review 20% 
Baseline mapping, description of engagement models (including transcripts from field data), legal framework, and first debriefing to DRC 30%
Analysis, report writing, and final presentations in Tunisia 40%


  1. Proposed Composition of Team 

  • Lead researcher
  • Field research
  • Business Analysist
  • Etc.
  1. Eligibility, qualification, and experience required



    • Extensive experience in research and documentation of private sector development – preferably in North Africa.
  • Track record of written publications on diaspora / private sector development / development / migration. 
  • Excellent analytical, interpersonal, communication and reporting skills.
  • Strong communication skills (oral and written) in English.



  • Experience from research and documentation of diaspora business engagement in private sector development.
  • Command of Arabic.
  • A good understanding of Tunisia’s cultural / economic context


  • The consultant has the authorization to conduct research in Tunisia 


  • Relevant academic background. Post-graduate university degree in social sciences / business development or another relevant 
  1. Technical supervision

The selected consultant will work under the supervision of:

  • Senior Diaspora Advisor

Anders Knudsen



  1. Location and support

The Consultant will use her/his own computer and mobile telephone 


  1. Travel

>If some travel will be required, please write the purpose of the travel. 

Define the condition (e.g.: The Consultant will therefore be expected to arrange transportation, accommodation, insurance, food and to make adequate provision in the Financial Proposal). <

  1. Submission process

>> Please refer to the RFP letter invitation. <


  1. Evaluation of bids

> Please refer to the RFP letter invitation. <


Only those shortlisted will be contacted for an interview with the panel to ensure their understanding of the consultancy services.

Annex A1 Technical Bid Form (1)

Annex A2 Financial Bid Form (1)

Annex C Consultant Declaration Form (1)

Annex D_Supplier Code of Conduct (Standard) (1)

Annex E_Supplier Profile and Registration Form ENG (1) (1)

Annex F – Terms of Reference – Diaspora support to community-led initiatives Tunisia –

RFP Invitation Letter (4)


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