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Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center

Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center KADEM

Implanté depuis 2011

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre ONG Internationale

KADEM is a technical, non-governmental regional organization specialized in knowledge transfer, expertise-sharing and capacity-building in the field of democratic transition.  It is founded on the principle of partnership among organizations and experts across the Arab region and beyond.KADEM was set up in Amman, Jordan, in June 2006. Following the Revolution in Tunisia, KADEM was registered in July 2011 as an association subject to Tunisian law.


KADEM seeks to enhance the contribution of Arab civil societies to democratic transition processes, thereby strengthening the foundations of national sovereignty, and promoting good governance based on social justice, economic development, gender equality, and broad popular participation in decision-making, as well as on the principles of rule of law, transparency, protection of human rights and individual/public freedoms, and peaceful alternation of power.


  • Transitional Justice
  • Elections
  • Support To Civil Society
  • Institutional Reform


6 rue Imam Moslem, Menzah 4, Tunis


Amine Ghali




Événements 14 événements au total

Lancement de Ta’ziz:Pérenite et autonomiser de la société civile tunisienne

Lab'ess (https://maps.app.goo.gl/suXMTUQ4oM3Ficfr5) à partir de 10:00

ندوة : تمسك المجتمع المدني بالمرسوم 88

Golden Tulip El Mechtel Tunis, Avenue Ouled Hafouz, Tunis à partir de 11:00

“تظاهرة “ثورتنا مستمرة

Avenue Habib Bourguiba, Tunis, Gouvernorat de Tunis, Tunisie à partir de 10:00

1ere rencontre Jamaity Meeting

Bureau du Réseau Euro-Méditerranéen des Droits de l'Homme Rue de La Palestine, Tunis 1002, Tunisie à partir de 17:00

Actualité associative

Opportunités 16 opportunités au total

Publications 8 publications au total

Relation publiques 1 élément média au total

Supporté par

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