أعبّر عن رأيي

Monitoring Parliamentary dialogs for 2017 عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 11 mois

Jan 2017 Dec 2017

Budget du projet:

11 يورو (€)

شارك المشروع على

أهداف خصوصيّة

  • To strengthen the participatory role of civil society organizations in decision-making bodies.
  • To build a unified group of civil society organizations that support reforms within the Parliament.
  • To enhance the opportunity to take legislative decisions in the session of 2017 [in line with international conventions on human rights and good governance].

مزيد من التفاصيل

Area of intervention:

Three draft laws will be worked on within the legislative role of the Parliament. These were sent by the Government to the Parliament. The nature of the amendment is related to the international conventions and legislation; directly backed by human rights and good governance.

  • First law: Draft law on the rights of persons with disabilities and the disability act of 2016.
  • Second law: Draft law amending the Penal Code.
  • Third Law: Draft law amending the law on the independence of the Judiciary Act of 2017.



– Persons with disabilities

– Institutions

– Lawyers and judges

– Persons who have cases pending in the courts.

– Women who have experienced sexual abuse.


Main activities of the project:

First stage: Configuration:

  1. The formation of an alliance of civil society organizations that supportan open dialog with parliamentarians on the articles of the parliamentary session.
  2. Gaining access to the agenda of the discussions of the Parliament of 2017.
  3. Conduct a study on the draft laws to be submitted by the Parliament in 2017.
  4. Identify the three draft laws that are included in discussions of the house in 2017. These laws should be directly linked to good governance and human rights [in accordance with the schedule].
  5. Prioritize time frame discussed within Parliament.
  6. Prepare for the Community Action Team; gain supplies and logistics necessary for action.

Second stage: Activities:

  1. Launch a bilateral dialog with members of the Chamber of Deputies on the objectives of the Initiative.
  2. Form the Friends of the initiative of the members of the Parliament.
  3. The Community Awareness Meeting preceding discussion of any bill targeted by the initiative with a view to forming a unified view of the supporters of the initiative to open dialog with the representatives of a number 3 sessions.
  4. Organize three meetings that have an open dialog and target the agenda of the house, according to the time the participant from the house of the Friends of the initiative and house conservatives public presence of civil society organizations.
  5. Invite journalists to cover thedialog.
  6. Deliver the recommendations of the open dialog to the secretariat of the Council of Representatives and the committees of the Council before the date of the hearing panelists of the Parliament.
  7. Publish the details of the recommendations of the open dialog sessions in the media,and greater community.
  8. Document the content of the meetings of the open dialogs and monitor their impact on the content of the resolutions of the Council of Representatives.
  9. Issue the final report.

Expected results:

  • The enactment of legislation in line with international conventions on human rights and good governance.
  • Improvement in the lives of the citizens from the angle of human rights and the principles of good governance.



  • The Amman Forum Association for Human Rights.
  • Theater Shams Company for Plastic Arts (a non-profit company).
  • The Arab Academic Freedom.
  • The association of women in rusaifa.
  • The Association for Special Needs.

جهات مستفيدة

الأردن et 1 جهة (جهات) أخرى

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