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Safeguarding communication materials – OXFAM Retour vers les opportunités


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12 Janvier 2025 Il y a 2 mois

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Humanitaire et 2 autre(s) domaines


communication materials


Oxfam is a global movement of people who are fighting inequality to end poverty and injustice. Across regions, from
the local to the global, we work with people to bring change that lasts.



1) To develop communication materials on the Code of Conduct (CoC) and Safeguarding Core Standards that are easy to understand for partners and community members, including visual materials on Feedback and Complaints
Mechanisms for presentation in partner offices/field, and adapt materials for different audiences, including marginalized/illiterate populations.

2) Additionally, develop a Safeguarding Guide that supports partners in adhering to safeguarding standards

Start date :January 13th 2024
How to apply: Interested candidates are invited to submit:

1) A written assignment methodology including a proposal describing how the mission will be conducted (including a budget in a separate file).
2) CV (s), portfolio including similar work
Candidates may be subjected to reference check through the Safeguarding Misconduct Scheme.

Deadline of the application: January 12th, 2025

Application to be submitted to: jobs.recruitments@oxfamnovib.nl maleke.dridi@oxfam.org

Assignment location: Flexible location, with possible field visits to partners in Tunisia.


This assignment is part of Oxfam’s broader effort to enhance accountability, transparency, and safeguarding within
our programs and partnerships. The development of these materials aims to ensure that Oxfam representatives, partners and community members understand and adhere to expected behaviours and One Oxfam safeguarding core
standards as well as best practices.

• Background includes:

– Ongoing initiatives to improve community engagement and safeguarding.
– Previous steps include initial drafts of communication materials and safeguarding guides.
– Stakeholders involved include Oxfam staff, partners, and community members


– Development of communication materials on the Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Core Standards that are accessible to community members.
– Ensuring that our safeguarding resources are user-friendly, accessible, recognizable, culturally sensitive, and future-proof.
– Creation of visual materials on Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms for use in partner offices and field settings.
– Engaging community members through inclusive and participatory approaches, such as consultations.
– Adaptation of materials for marginalized/illiterate populations, such as mini videos, animations, posters …
– Development of a Safeguarding Guide to support partners for safeguarding compliance.


Overall objective:

The assignment’s objective is to produce accessible and effective communication materials and safeguarding guides
to support Oxfam’s operations and partner compliance.

Specific outputs and deliverables:

The consultant is expected to deliver the following outputs:
– Communication materials on the Code of Conduct and Safeguarding Core Standards: A minimum of 5 distinct
communication pieces (e.g., brochures, infographics, or posters), designed for clarity and accessibility.
– Visual materials on Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms for partner offices/field: At least 3 materials, including one short, animated video (2D, 1–2 minutes), one infographic poster, and one flyer tailored for partner offices and field settings.
– Adapted materials for marginalized/illiterate populations: A minimum of 3 materials, such as an audio message (3–5 minutes), a series of pictorial posters (2D illustrations), and a simplified guide using visual storytelling.
– Safeguarding Guide: A written guide (minimum 15 pages) with clear, actionable steps, complemented by visual aids or flowcharts for ease of use.


Remuneration is based on the submission of the deliverables according to the schedule.
Steps/deliverables/ % Payment
1 Upon signing the contract :10 % total budget

2 Communication materials on the CoC and Safeguarding Core Standards AND Visual materials on Feedback and Complaints Mechanisms :50% total budget
3 Adapted materials for marginalized/illiterate populations AND Safeguarding Guide 40% total budget



The key steps to be followed should include:
• Development of content based on Oxfam’s standards and guidelines.
• Creation of visual and video materials tailored to different audiences.
• Consultation with stakeholders for feedback and refinement.
• Delivery of final materials and guides as per the agreed timeline.
The detailed modality and work plan will be agreed upon during the consultation meeting.


The company/ individual(s) should have the following competencies:

Essential criteria:
• Academic / Professional qualification in relevant field.
• Experience with CBOs/NGOs or in development/humanitarian settings.
• Proficiency in content development and visual communication.
• Significant experience in safeguarding and compliance.
• Required language skills.

Desired criteria:
• Experience in producing materials for marginalized populations.
• Knowledge of Oxfam’s Code of Conduct and safeguarding standards.
• Experience in adapting content for different audiences.


Submission instructions
The subject of the mail should be: [Safeguarding communication materials + [Name of bidder]].

Any questions, remarks, or requests for clarification can be sent in writing up to 5 days before the submission
deadline. The (anonymized) questions will be answered by OXFAM.

Administrative compliance (list of documents to be submitted)
Applications must be submitted and prepared in English, French or Arabic (except legal documents) and received by
the deadline.
To be shortlisted for evaluation against award criteria, the following documents must be included in the application:

1 Technical proposal/approach paper to conduct the assignment and achieve objectives including methodology, proposed work plan and timelines.

2 Financial offer (price quotation) including budget and pricing:
• All prices must appear in TND with and without VAT (specify the VAT rate if applicable)
• The total budget, which must include a detailed breakdown of costs by deliverables or days or working hours.
• The total budget proposed by the Consultant must include all costs that will be invoiced to Oxfam in the financial offer.

3 Curriculum Vitae(s) (CV) of the proposed consultant(s), proving relevant experience and/or qualifications. If multiple people are involved, an outline of roles/ responsibilities also needs to be included.

4 Two relevant references (minimum) for previous comparable assignments.

5 Proof of registration: The bidders must also include a copy of their registration at the relevant Chamber of Commerce and/or a document attesting to their registration for the self-employed and the bidder’s registration number, VAT, or fiscal number.

6 Evidence of previous work [if required].
[List of similar publications or any other documents proving similar experience and technical and thematic knowledge]


The issuance of these Terms of Reference does not constitute an award commitment on the part of Oxfam, nor does it commit Oxfam to pay for costs incurred in preparing and submitting a call for proposals.
The attached Annexes are an integral part of this Request for Proposals.
Oxfam may contact bidders to confirm contacts, addresses, bid amount and to confirm that the bid was submitted for this solicitation.

Quotation validity:
• The quotation shall be valid for 30 days from the submission date. If this is not possible, the bidder may propose a
different timeframe.
• If the bidder is awarded the contract, all information provided in the quotation and negotiation process is contractually binding.

False statements:

Bidders must provide full, accurate and complete information as required by this solicitation and Annexes. False
statements in bids constitutes grounds for immediate termination of any agreement with the supplier. OXFAM takes
fraud, misstatements, falsification, manipulation, alteration of facts and/or documents very seriously, has a zero-tolerance policy to such behaviours, and may choose to take legal action in a case of misrepresented disclosures by

Conflict of interest:

Bidders must provide disclosure of any past, present or future relationships with any parties associated with the issuance, review or management of this solicitation and anticipated award. Failure to provide full and open disclosure
may result in Oxfam having to re-evaluate the selection of a potential bidder.

Right to Select/ Reject:

Oxfam reserves the right to select and negotiate with those firms it determines, in its sole discretion, to be qualified for competitive proposals and to terminate negotiations without incurring any liability. Oxfam also reserves the right to reject any or all proposals received without explanation.

Reserved rights:

All applications and quotes become the property of Oxfam, and Oxfam reserves the right in its sole discretion to:

• To disqualify any offer based on applicant’s failure to follow solicitation instructions.
• To waive any deviations by the applicant from the requirements of this terms of reference that, in Oxfam’s opinion, are considered immaterial defects requiring rejection or disqualification; or where such a waiver will promote increased competition.
• Extend the time for submission of responses after notification to all applicants.
• Terminate or modify the process at any time and re-issue the request for quotation to whomever Oxfam deems appropriate.
• Issue an award based on the initial evaluation of offers without discussion.
• Award only part of the activities in the solicitation or issue multiple awards based on solicitation activities.


Oxfam is committed to integrity in its operations and supply chains and ensuring high ethical standards. Complying
with all laws and regulations and ensuring fair competition are fundamental to this commitment. We actively promote
these principles and standards, and expect all Oxfam suppliers to demonstrate commitment towards them.

All consultants/applicant are required to agree and adhere to the Oxfam Supplier Code of Conduct, whereas
individuals (including consultants) must sign the Oxfam Non Staff Code of Conduct.

. These Codes of Conduct set out the specific standards and principles in the areas of human and labour rights, environmental impact and anti- corruption that suppliers must follow.


Oxfam’s reporting and whistleblowing mechanisms are available for Suppliers as well Oxfam employees, to ensure
that Oxfam continues to operate under the highest ethical standards and principles.
You can use these reporting channels confidentially, anonymously, and in your own language to report any concerns
involving fraud, corruption, waste, abuse or safeguarding concerns.

Online webform Oxfam :Misconduct Reporting Webform (including possibility for anonymous reporting): https://oxfam.clue-webforms.co.uk/webform/misconduct/

Email : integrity@oxfamnovib.nl
Phone: Global phone number: +44 1249 661808 Check https://speakup.oxfamnovib.nl for local numbers (you can request interpretation).

TORs Safeguarding Final

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Academic / Professional qualification in relevant field.
  • Experience with CBOs/NGOs or in development/humanitarian settings.
  • Proficiency in content development and visual communication.
  • Significant experience in safeguarding and compliance.
  • Required language skills.
  • Experience in producing materials for marginalized populations.
  • Knowledge of Oxfam’s Code of Conduct and safeguarding standards.

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