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REQUEST FOR STATEMENTS OF INTEREST -IRI Retour vers les opportunités

International Republican Institute

Lance   Appel d’offres


15 Décembre 2024 Il y a 3 mois

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Open Date:  November 5
Closing Deadline:  December 15
Geographical Area Restrictions:  None
Point of Contact:  Rim Ben Hassen, strategic affairs advisor 



Background: The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan,  organization dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide. Since 1983, IRI  has worked to develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of  international programs to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law  worldwide. IRI provides technical assistance in the areas of political party strengthening,  developing civic institutions and open elections, promoting democratic governance and  advancing the rule of law.  

IRI is supporting Tunisian civil society organizations to promote the meaningful  participation of citizens in the political process, especially leadership initiatives aimed at  engaging youth.  

Eligibility: Applications submitted must meet the following mandatory criteria: CSO is based in or has past experience implementing projects in the target regions  proposed in project? 

  • Applications received on time? 
  • Applications includes background of the organization and office address?  Costs provided in USD?  

Period of Performance: The project’s start and duration will be determined based on the  confirmation and release of funding 

Statement of Work: IRI is seeking applicants to implement innovative projects that  empower youth-led civil society organizations to engage with their target communities to  promote issue-based activism at the local, regional, and national level. Applications should  indicate specific groups that will be targeted and how the selected approach will resonate  with each target audience. Applicants must design three to five month-long campaigns or  initiatives revolving around priority topics and create advocacy initiatives aiming to  generate the necessary will to make a policy change. Applications should clearly state the  priority topic they aim to address and what made them select it.  

A nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing democracy worldwide 

The initiatives or campaigns should be action oriented and demonstrate an understanding  of the operating context. These projects are intended to be opportunities for applicants to  pilot new approaches effectively engaging citizens and influence change. 

The applications must clearly demonstrate how the stated activities will achieve the desired  results.  IRI will prioritize CSOs geared toward engaging youth audiences; CSOs with strong  membership networks among youth groups; CSOs with experience conducting community  outreach; media and journalist CSOs; and CSOs with specialized knowledge to deliver  effective issue advocacy. Use of mass communication tools including media and social media  networks is encouraged. Use of in-person activity and skill-building is encouraged.  



Applications must include the following information:   

  1. Capacity statement including past performance of CSO in Tunisia   
  2. Problem statement the project intends to address  
  3. Project Description   
  • Include general overview of project, including the overall strategy and  objectives/goals for the project  
  • Explain if planning on using subcontractors for any tasks and/or any partnerships  with other organizations, individuals, or institutions   
  • Specify intended beneficiary group(s) of projects  
  • Specify target number of beneficiaries the project intends to reach  4. Activity Timeline/Work Plan  
  • Include detailed description of the project activities, including proposed location(s)  of activities and proposed timeline for activities  
  • Specify intended outputs/outcomes of each proposed activity 


The applicant must include a plan outlining how they intend to monitor the activities in their  proposal and collect measurable results, along with demonstrating the impact. 


Each application should include a detailed budget with an explanation of why the budgeted  amounts are necessary for completing the scope of work. The total amount budgeted for  this project must not exceed $10,000 USD. 

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