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Program Officer with INJAZ Tunisia Retour vers les opportunités

INJAZ Tunisie

Lance   Appel à candidatures


20 Novembre 2018 Il y a 6 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Purpose of Position:

  • Implements and manages daily operations of Injaz Tunisia’s programs according to programs strategy
  • Secures volunteers,
  • Plans participant recognition
  • Increases awareness for all programs, among volunteers and educational audiences
  • Assures program quality and expansion and good school relations
Responsibilities Measures of Accomplishments
Program Growth:

·         Works with Program Coordinator and/or Program manager to plan programs and support growth strategy

·         Upholds the highest standards of excellence and quality when delivering all programs

·         Renews commitments of schools/teachers currently involved and recruits new schools/teachers

·         Develops and delivers all presentations to schools/teachers

·         Responsible for plans to increase public awareness of Injaz Tunisia’s programs, among volunteers and educational audiences

·         Number of new teachers and/or schools

·         Number of returning teachers and/or schools

·         Number of presentations to educators

·         Demand for programs by schools/educators and volunteers

Securing Volunteers:

·         Recruits and renews commitments from teachers, where applicable

·         Develops and delivers all needed presentations

·         Quality of implementation

·         Number of presentations

·         Number of new volunteers placed

·         Number of returning volunteers placed

School/Educator Relationships:

·         Develops and maintains constructive relationships to support school/student retention and reach

·         Anticipates customer needs and expectations

·         Demonstrates customer orientation and focus in providing products and services

·         Develops positive rapport with school officials

·         Gauges customer satisfaction and recommends the changes in products and services needed to increase satisfaction

·         Displays a sensitivity to customer diversity

·         Customer feedback

·         Customer trust

·         Continued commitments by schools

Program Quality:

·         Assures quality of programs through phone calls, classroom monitoring, participant servicing, evaluation instruments, and newsletters

n Continually provides feedback, program materials and resources to volunteers and teachers

n Assesses appropriateness of program model for local area and adjusts accordingly

·         Results of evaluations/surveys

·         Call back sessions

·         Follow-up correspondence

·         Adherence to program quality guidelines


·         Takes part in all volunteer orientation/training programs

·         Secures location of training, develops orientation materials, schedules volunteers/teachers, orders program materials, distributes registration and evaluation forms

·         Preparation of trainee

·         Evaluation results

·         % of volunteers/teachers trained

·         Ultimate program evaluation

Participant Recognition:

·         Develops and implements method of participant recognition

·         Logistics of event(s); informs volunteers, teachers, school administrators and Plans business executives of event; plans and distributes appreciation materials

·         Feedback

·         Timeliness of method/event

·         Event attendance

Program Administration:

·         Maintains database information on all programs and participants (class registration forms and reports)

·         Develops a yearly calendar that predicts program needs and includes timetables, procedures, and responsibilities

·         Class registrations submitted

·         Reports prepared and submitted

·         Low incidence of one-off research and report preparation

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent
  • Strong oral and written communication Arabic, French and  English
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Strong organization and planning skills
  • Ability to be creative
  • Evidence of problem solving
  • Self-motivation and an entrepreneurial attitude
  • Sincere interest in the mission of Injaz Tunisia
  • Experience in education or business and/or familiarity with area schools and businesses
  • Understanding of the Tunisian Education system and levers
  • Experience in associative field is recomonded

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 12 November 2018

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