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Procurement of an accounting and management software-ADD Retour vers les opportunités


27 Novembre 2022 Il y a 2 years

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call for tenders: Procurement of an accounting and management software

Location: Tunisia

Closing date for application: November 27, 2022

  • Background 


The Association for the Promotion of the Right to Difference (ADD) is a non-governmental, non-profit association. It was created on April 15, 2011, with the primary goal of defending universal human rights and democracy in Tunisia. Since its creation, the ADD has not ceased to emphasize in its fieldwork axes the importance of detecting the social phenomena inherent to the transition in Tunisia. Its general activities are based on defending the right to difference, including cultural, linguistic, and parity between genders. 

The ADD is currently implementing a diverse variety of programs, including:

  • The Observatory for the Defense of the Right to Difference (O3DT), launched in 2018 by The ADD, is a space for coordination between discriminated groups discriminated against, public actors, and civil society to rethink and address blatant injustices by implementing structural reforms. The O3DT assumes the role of raising awareness among the authorities and the general public about the inequalities suffered by minorities, the formation of a network of influence on a bill in favor of the protection minorities, and capacity building of stakeholders for a better engagement in the project is also planned.
  • The Free to Be Program, as a host country, which is an ambitious, daring, and innovative 5-year program that will help build a vibrant LGBTIQ+ movement that is confident and capable to lobby and advocate for their human and economic rights. Our alliance comprises three consortium members Hivos, ILGA World, and Positive Vibes, and three technical partners Sogicampaigns, the Global Interfaith Network (GIN), and Workplace Pride and other annexed projects.

Amongst many objectives within the internal capacity development framework of the ADD, an important goal is to contribute towards the improvement and development of its internal system. 

  • Purpose


The ADD intends to acquire an accounting and management software to support the growth of the association’s financial and HR management. The overall purpose of the call is the:


–  Acquisition of accounting and management software license that can be customized according to the Tunisian accounting standards;

– Acquisition of a software license of cash management (bank and cash);

– Acquisition of a software license of cost accounting management;

– Acquisition of a license of software of centralization of timesheet.

  • Objectives of the call


The specific objective is to put particular emphasis on the following points: 

* To monitor the cash flow situation and the forecast situation in order to anticipate future expenses;

* Automate and control internal processes;

* Secure and make management more reliable;

* Automated bank reconciliation without re-keying;

* Make quick and informed decisions thanks to data and dashboards centralization;

* Allows to reflect the budget reality instantly;

            * Transactions lists (detailed / summary / by date, search engine, etc), journal  voucher;

            * Budget variance reports by project;

            * Funds utilization reports;

            * Cash and bank books;

            * Automated reconciliation with bank account(s);

            *Creation of a chart of accounts (accounting and budget)

            * Tax compliance, for the application of withholding tax, value added tax and other    integrated or definable regulatory requirements;

            * User-definable budget codes;

            * Multiple language reporting (Arabic, French, English);

             * Multi-currency breakdown and FX conversion at defined rates;

            * Dual validations with access rights settings;

            * Traceability: audit trail for each transaction / log register / deleted operations report;

            * Download / upload of files (excel / pdf / CSV);

            * Backup and recovery j-1;

            * Confidentiality / security of data;

* Centralize timesheets.

            * A guarantee one-year software warrant with skills transfer and training during the  warrant period.

  • Tasks to be carried


– Installation and configuration of software;

– Assistance and maintenance for at least 6 months after the installation.


  1.         License validity


The minimum validity of purchased licenses must be greater than or equal to five (05) years from the date of receipt.


  1.         Confidentiality


The company retained for the present mission is required to respect strict confidentiality with respect to third parties, for all information relating to the mission or collected on its occasion. Any breach of this clause will result in the immediate interruption of the mission. This confidentiality remains the rule and without limitation after the end of the mission.


  1.         Essential expertise/experience of the firm


  • To be an internationally recognized firm or a company qualified in computer science, design and supply of accounting softwares;
  • Previous proven work experience with local and INGOs relevant to similar calls;
  • Provide references from INGOs or local associations in the same sector that are already using the software;
  • Availability;
  • A brief description of the firm.


  1. Execution period


The installation, performance testing and user training will be performed within 1 month from the date of signing the service contract.


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