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[Offre en anglais] The International Institute of Debate(IIDEBATE) recruits Trainer to conduct a training on Capacity Building Retour vers les opportunités

International Institute of Debate

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19 Décembre 2019 Il y a 5 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Echanges culturels et 1 autre(s) domaines



IIDEBATE: The International Institute of Debate is a non-profit organization, whose mission is to develop the next generation of civic leaders, activists and change agents. It aims to accomplish that by giving young people the opportunity to actively participate in the political process. By opening up spaces for democratic education and youth participation in schools and government, we strive to prioritize the needs of low-income youth and under-resourced schools and regions.

MA3AN PROJECT: Ma3an is a five-year resilience and community empowerment project in Tunisia, implemented by Tunisian and international partners in 30 communities in 15 governorates.

The Goal of Ma3an is to increase the capacity of Tunisian communities to withstand political, social and economic challenges and identify opportunities, through strengthening Community resilience,   Mitigating community vulnerabilities and encouraging Tunisian partners to sustain the model. 

Ma3an will: 

  • Empower Tunisian youth, men and women to identify and reduce community-specific vulnerabilities.
  • Support and engage local institutions, community service providers and civil society actors.
  • Harness peer-to-peer mentoring, social networks and communication to engage youth.
  • Catalyze public and private sector resources to create a sustainable foundation for social cohesion and resilience, at local and national levels


During the project, we will organize several training to enhance the competencies and the skills of youth. 

The Capacity Building training (in Arabic) will help the youth to improve their skills in public speaking, pitching and communication. 

These training is very important to youth to strengthen their competencies and be ready for the CSAP Workshop.

3.0 Objectives:

The objectives of the Capacity Building Training:

  • Empowering the skills of youth on presentation, pitching and public speaking, communication (nonverbal communication and active listening), argumentation etc., 
  • Preparing youth for the CSAP workshop
  • Evaluating the soft skills of youth and working with them to improve them
  • Planning for next step of works

4.0 Duties and Responsibilities:

With the cooperation with the activity manager, the trainer will do the following:

  • The trainer will plan the content of the sessions of the training.
  • The trainer with the cooperation with iiDebate team will plan for the activities.
  • The trainer will participate in the preparations for the training one day before the training starts. 
  • The trainer will animate the related sessions in Arabic or in the Tunisian dialect
  • The trainer will develop both pre and post evaluation depending on the needs, and supervise on filling them by the participants (In Arabic).
  • The trainer will send a report related to the sessions he animated. 
  • The trainer will evaluate with our team the participants during the evaluation meetings that will be organized by iiDebate team during the training.




The key deliverables for TOT training as follows:

      1. The trainer will handle an activities manual for the different sessions 
      2. The trainer will handle a plan for the different sessions. 
      3. The trainer will handle both Pre and post evaluation forms based on the needs and filled by the participants 
      4. The trainer will handle a final assessment for each participant individually.
      5. The trainer will handle the sessions final report.





1 Final Activities Manual 14 December 2019
2 Final sessions plan 14 December 2019
3 Filled pre and post evaluation forms based on the needs. 23 January 2019
4 Individual Assessment for each participants. 29 January 2019
5 Final report 29 January 2019



3 consultancy days.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Expert knowledge of soft skills, communication, public speaking, debates and argumentation;
  • Experience on moderating and training youth and difficult personalities;
  • Experience in organizing and conducting trainings;
  • Experience on facilitating and moderating trainings in only Arabic or Tunisian dialect.
  • Expert knowledge of youth psychology;
  • Experience in evaluation and assessment.
  • Experience in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc.).
  • Education: Bachelor university degree in any related
  • field. Experience: Minimum of 3 years of relevant experience is required.
  • Experience in training and facilitation in the related fields is required.
  • Language: The trainer should be comfortable to animate the training in Arabic or Tunisian Dialect.
  • Excellent written and spoken English and Arabic.

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Publié sur Jamaity le 13 December 2019

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