Through the Migration Capacity Partnerships framework for the Mediterranean (MCP Med), ICMPD promotes joint leadership and shared responsibility to address migration challenges. Recognizing the skills and contextual knowledge of its partners, MCP Med adopts a capacity-driven approach to migration management at regional and national levels. As part of this, ICMPD implements the Regional Migration Governance Program (RMGP) to enhance migration governance in the MENA region, with a focus on Tunisia. The RMGP aims to maximize migration benefits, minimize risks, and ensure migrants’ rights are respected and protected, fostering a rights-based, sustainable approach to governance. In Tunisia and the MENA region, professionalisation is a cornerstone of ICMPD’s Strategy 2025. It strengthens migration actors’ capacities to improve governance, border management, documentation systems, and responses to changing migration dynamics. Regional collaboration is facilitated through the MCP MED Training Institute’s Governing Board, including Tunisia, Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya. To ensure accountability and impact, the MEL Officer will implement monitoring, evaluation, and learning activities under the day-to-day supervision of the Head of Office – Tunisia and technical supervision of ICMPD’s Strategy, Knowledge, Evaluation and Impact (SKEI) Unit, in coordination with Project Managers. SKEI’s functional role is to provide monitoring, evaluation and learning technical assistance, oversight and quality assurance in accordance with ICMPD’s project management system. In alignment with donor requirements, the MEL Officer will support continuous improvement and data-driven decision-making to enhance migration governance outcomes.
Functional Overview :
The MEL Officer effectively develops, implements, coordinates, monitors and completes assigned MEL tasks and projects aligned with ICMPD’s strategy, goals, rules and business processes.
Key Results :
MEL Task Execution:
In support of effective collaboration activities with all relevant stakeholders, technical MEL-related tools e.g. theories of change, results matrices, indicators, performance attributes, evaluation designs, effectively implemented with resources, and plans tailored to the specific project or programme. All deliverables aligned with the project purpose and budget and established MEL processes and quality procedures. High-quality MEL outputs cost-effectively
implemented and delivered in alignment with ICMPD rules and procedures, including processes for SKEI quality assurance and review and ICMPD’s results-based management (RBM) framework.
MEL Guidance and Support to Programme Management:
In line with pre-defined objectives, project or programme-level monitoring activities implemented including monitoring tools and reporting formats in line with ICMPD processes as well as donor requirements. Collaboration with project teams regularly undertaken to review the monitoring system, ensuring effective data is captured and reported. Evaluation activities monitored including contributions to evaluation design, development of terms of reference, review of proposals and products. As requested, liaison undertaken with ICMPD’s Procurement and Grants Unit to prepare relevant tender dossiers to identify suitable external evaluation service providers. Information shared, lessons learned and best practices disseminated internally. Inputs prepared for the formulation of new technical tools, resources and concepts.
Stakeholder Collaboration:
Effective collaboration undertaken with internal SKEI team experts on key products and packages, including supporting quality assurance and high-quality MEL activities across the organisation. SKEI colleagues’, project or programme partners’, and donors’ expectations and working relationships effectively supported and communication consistently exchanged, with regular updates on progress. SKEI Unit processes supported to ensure quality assurance, outreach and communication with Regional Offices, Units and Programmes across ICMPD.
Support to Strategy and Knowledge Management:
The execution of ICMPD’s Strategy 2025 supported by a focus on the development and implementation of ICMPD’s RBM framework and associated tools including KPIs and dashboards through contributions to the alignment of ICMPD programmes and projects with its strategic framework and results architecture as part of ICMPD’s standardised project management approach.
Support to SKEI Unit Development and Management:
Support provided to the development of key SKEI resources and events, e.g. internal unit and organisational technical MEL tools and templates and organisational informational/capacity-building workshops, including content formulation and preparation/delivery of presentations. Activities aimed at growing SKEI and ICMPD capacities, team MEL and RBM skills, and/or other resources focused on technical MEL approaches and rigorous methodologies, effectively supported and inputs provided to increase the evidence base for effective migration initiatives.
Required Expertise :
▪ Proficient, professional and efficient MEL experience supporting the development of MEL approaches and tools able to capture progress toward results and document project/programme achievements using established MEL methodologies and practices for projects and in an international context and/or in the field of migration.
▪ Experience in implementing projects and delivering MEL products on deadline including quality assurance processes.
▪ Established collaboration and listening skills aimed at ensuring effective cooperation with ICMPD colleagues, partners, and donors.
▪ Experience supporting MEL capacity-building training and tools to support project design and implementation.
▪ Analytical thinking and ability to integrate new approaches and innovations to ensure the development and use of targeted MEL tools in support of organisational projects.
▪ Experience working with internal colleagues on the initiation and deployment of knowledge management and resource mobilisation activities.