08 Novembre 2017 Il y a 7 ans
About enpact Tunisie
The non-profit organisation enpact Tunisie was founded in 2016 and includes these fields of activities:
About the job
If you’re a natural born salesperson who’s creative and passionate about cultivating leads and closing deals, if you’re skilled and passionate about marketing, then you’re the candidate we’re looking for. We’re seeking for someone with sales and marketing experience for coworking, meeting and event space. Your job will be to market the space and develop new business plan for it. Familiarity with leasing or event sales a plus. |
Ideally you have worked in marketing or sales before and have excellent storytelling and design skills. You are a team player, creative, and ready to develop our new marketing strategy together with the manager. Additionally, you are passionate about entrepreneurship, social media, sales, love people with various backgrounds and are willing to engage with our existing community.
Report according to the reports format in the ngo·
Our offer
Cette opportunité n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur Jamaity. Visitez régulièrement la rubrique opportunités pour ne plus en rater.
Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 17 octobre 2017
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