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Le British Council recrute 3 experts dans le domaine de l’égalité homme-femme; “Gender Equality” (Offre en Anglais) Retour vers les opportunités

British Council

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05 Décembre 2014 Il y a 10 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

The British Council is looking for 3 long-term French-speaking experts in Morocco on a wide contract related to Gender Equality:

– 1 Team Leader with more than 12 years’ experience as a senior project manager/team leader on international development projects, and if possible related to gender/women

– 1 Junior Expert on Institutional Communication – Minimum 5 years’ experience and fluent in Arabic

– 1 Junior Expert on Dialogue with CSOs – Minimum 5 years’ experience and fluent in Arabic



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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 26 November 2014

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