24 فيفري 2017 Il y a 8 ans
The Arab Institute for Human Rights (AIHR) is an independent Arab non-governmental organization based in Tunisia having regional liaison offices in Lebanon, Egypt and Morocco and Tunisia offices in Medenine and Bizerte. It was founded in 1989 at the initiative of the Arab Organization for Human Rights, the Arab Lawyers Union, and the Tunisian League for Human Rights and with the support of the United Nations Centre for Human Rights. The AIHR received the UNESCO International Award for Human Rights Education for the year 1992. The AIHR’s Board of Directors is currently composed of the three founding NGOs mentioned above in addition to the UNHCHR, the UNESCO, the UNICEF, the UNDP, the UNHCR and the UNFPA.
The Institute aims to promote a culture of human rights in the Arab region, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international conventions, through developing human rights education methodologies and tools, organizing capacity building programs, and participating in the institutions and public policies reforms by using the human rights based approach.
AIHR is looking for a Project Manager “Rule of Law and Death Penalty in times of war on terrorism”
Full time, starting on 1st of March 2017, duration of the position: 21 Months
Based in Tunis
In close co-operation with the AIHR management and team, you will be in charge of supervising the AIHR project entitled “Containing the death penalty in times of war on terrorism”
You will lead the implementation of the project in Tunisia in tight coordination with the partners organizations in the project based in Italy, Egypt and Somalia as well as ensure close cooperation and coordination with relevant staff, researchers, consultants, actors and beneficiaries during all the project preparation, implementation and follow up steps.
Main tasks
The project manager will:
The project manager will:
The candidate will be contracted by AIHR according to Tunisian labor legislation with a competitive, fair and comprehensive honorary that is justifiable to our donors.
للأسف هذه الفرصة لم تعد موجودة على جمعيتي . زوروا بانتظام قسم الفرص لتجنب افلات الفرص اللاحقة
عرض شغل منشور على "جمعيتي" في 21 février 2017
إكتشف المزيد من الفرص على "جمعيتي" عبر النّقر على هذا الرّابط.