أعبّر عن رأيي

Le bureau du HCR à Tunis lance un appel à manifestation d’intérêt pour la mise en œuvre du projet « Ensuring favorable protection environment, providing basic assistance needs and essential services, and enhancing community empowerment and self-reliance.» عودة إلى الفرص

انتهاء الصلاحية

01 أكتوبر 2018 Il y a 6 years

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تفاصيل الفرصة

الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunisie

Dans le cadre de ses activités en Tunisie, le bureau du HCR à Tunis publie un appel à manifestation d’intérêt afin de sélectionner le ou les partenaires qui seront eh charge de la mise en œuvre du projet « Ensuring favorable protection environment, providing basic assistance needs and essential services, and enhancing community empowerment and self-reliance.»

Brief Background of the Project:

In Tunisia, UNHCR supports the government in managing the situation of refugees and asylum seekers arriving on its territory. In application of its mandate, UNHCR aims to support the establishment of a national asylum system, and to build national capacity for refugee protection. UNHCR identifies, assists and protects refugees in a context marked by mixed migration movements, as well as maintains preparedness efforts in view of a potential major influx. Together with its partners, UNHCR identifies solutions to help refugees build a new life through socio-economic integration, resettlement and other alternative and complementary pathways. While the establishment of a national asylum framework is still underway, the Tunisian context is nonetheless generally favorable to refugees and asylum-seekers. Refugees and asylum-seekers have the right to access basic services including healthcare and education, and are exempted from penalties related to the irregular stay of foreign nationals.

Tunisia is characterized by mixed migration movements although not normally intended as a destination for most migrants and refugees. Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers arrive in Tunisia by air, by land and sea, through regular and irregular channels. Tunisia is primarily a transit country for the majority of these groups, as their arrival on Tunisian soil does not result from a deliberate choice in most instances (e.g. individuals coming from Libya); others (e.g. sub-Saharan African nationals), owing to visa facility, travel to Tunisia, sometimes pursuing onward movement to Europe either through Libya or directly from Tunisia. Persons with specific needs, including those in need of international protection, are occasionally identified among those groups. Despite the limited size in the number of arrivals, these mixed movements of refugees and migrants pose challenges in regard to identifying specific profiles (e.g. victims of trafficking and torture, SGBV survivors, and unaccompanied minors) and responding adequately. Proper coordination among actors involved will help ensure effective responses and adequate preparedness in case of a surge of new arrivals. 

In June 2016, a draft law on asylum was finalised by the Ministry of Justice and has been since subject to further consultations. The establishment of a fully functional national asylum system will enable Tunisia to meet its international obligations and have entire ownership of the asylum process. UNHCR, together with its partners, will pursue advocacy and capacity building of actors expected to play a role in the implementation of the future legislation.

UNHCR seeks partner(s) with solid capacity and expertise in the areas of protection of refugees and asylum seekers, identification of persons of concern to UNHCR, case management, counselling and registration, SGBV and child protection, provision of basic assistance and essential services. Solid local and national networks in the public sectors are needed to ensure capacity building, advocacy and referrals to service providers, alongside strong experience working with communities (in urban settings and within mixed migration flows) to facilitate the co-existence and local integration of refugees and asylum seekers, develop community mobilization and empowerment. 

UNHCR’S preference would be for one partner with expertise in all the above mentioned areas and submitting a single proposal for all the expected outputs below.  However, submissions will also be accepted from partners who are seeking to implement selected outputs only. 

Les critères d’éligibilité :

les partenaires souhaitant soumettre un concept note pour ce projet devrons s’enregistrer au Partner Portal  https://Partner.unhcr.org et répondre au call CEITUN20180002 à travers le Partner portal.


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