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Gender audit 2024 – External Consultant-EuroMed Rights Retour vers les opportunités


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25 Avril 2024 Il y a 10 mois

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Gender audit 2024 – External Consultant 

EuroMed Rights


Job title: Consultancy
Output: Elaboration of the 2024 Gender Mainstreaming audit report
Duty Station: Remote
Type of Contract: Individual consultancy contract(s)
Expected starting date: May 2024

  • Background


EuroMed Rights is a non-governmental organization aiming to promote cooperation and dialogue in and between countries on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. It is a network representing 68 human rights organizations, institutions and defenders in 30 countries. It was founded in 1997, following the 1995 Barcelona Declaration, by civil society organizations dedicated to promoting human rights and democracy within the framework of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership. 

EuroMed Rights’ mission is to promote and strengthen human rights and democratic reforms at regional and national levels. By creating network opportunities and encouraging civil society cooperation, EuroMed Rights aims to develop and strengthen the partnerships between NGOs located within the Euro-Mediterranean area, to spread and promote human rights values and to increase members’ capacities to reach these objectives. 


As a human rights organisation, EuroMed Rights is committed to working towards achieving gender equality on the ground and to lead by example with member organisations and human rights practitioners. EuroMed Rights is also committed to ensuring that its own activities are not gender blind, which could eventually reinforce a status-quo situation for women and men in Euro-Mediterranean countries, if not worsen the situation. Therefore, to promote gender equality both internally in its organisational policies and structures, and externally in its work on the promotion of human rights, EuroMed Rights has adopted a dual strategy consisting of gender mainstreaming, and targeted actions on women’s rights and gender justice.


Since 2004, EuroMed Rights has worked proactively on promoting gender equality in the Euro-Mediterranean region. The commitment of EuroMed Rights to the promotion of gender equality, the principles of gender parity and equal opportunities in its decision-making structures is inscribed in the network’s statutes and bylaws. In 2011, EuroMed Rights further adopted a Gender Equality Policy Paper (GEPP) outlining its commitments and objectives regarding gender equality. This policy was subsequently adopted by the Executive Committee and formalised during the EuroMed Rights General Assembly in 2012. 


EuroMed Rights is developing regularly Gender Mainstreaming audits ahead of the General Assembly held every three years and develops a Gender Mainstreaming Roadmap and action plan based on its findings. The last GM audit took place in 2021. The current GM Roadmap 2022-2024 and its related action plan incorporates the recommendations of the last audit as a driver to achieve EuroMed Rights ambition to mainstream gender at all levels (political, organisational and programmatic). 


Ahead to the EuroMed Rights general assembly to take place in October 2024, the present audit aims at evaluating the advancements and challenges at the three levels of the gender mainstreaming roadmap.

  • Objective of the consultancy


The general objective of the gender audit is to evaluate and take stock of the progress made towards implementing the EuroMed Rights Gender Mainstreaming Roadmap 2022-2024 (hereafter called “the GM roadmap”). The specific objectives of the audit are as follows:


  1. To outline the advancements and achievements at the three strategic levels of the roadmap since its adoption in 2022.
  2. To identify the challenges met in the implementation of the roadmap and the existing good practices within the organisation.
  3. To outline the lessons learnt during the implementation of the roadmap.
  4. To come up with recommendations for the future, based on realistic priorization according to the roadmap and duplication/scaling of existing good practices, and including proposed next steps, that will feed into a revision of the next GM roadmap.


The audit will analyse the period covered by the GM Roadmap, since its approval in October 2022 until March 2024.

  • Methodology and content of the analysis


The methodology proposed for this assignment will include: 

  • Desk review and analysis of EuroMed Rights key documents (GM Roadmap 2022-2024 and its related action plan, GM audit 2021, ToR of the Gender Focal Points system, etc). 
  • Consultation through interviews, focus group discussions, self-assessments, surveys or other channels of consultation with Gender Focal Points, Secretariat staff, Executive members and Working Group and/or Solidarity Groups members. The consultant will present a draft of the questions to EuroMed Rights for validation. 
  • Assessment of the level of integration of gender perspectives by analysing the work undertaken by EuroMed Rights (sample), including newsletter articles, statements, press releases, reports, webinars, social media posts, working groups’ agenda.
  • Tabulation and analysis of the collected data. 
  • Sharing and discussing the main findings 


The consultant is invited to develop further the steps mentioned above. The consultant is expected to work independently and in close coordination with EuroMed Rights’ Head of Thematic Programmes. They will be working remotely.



The audit report will consist of the following sections: 


  1. A reminder of the three strategic levels of the GM Roadmap 22-24 (political, organisational and programme levels). 
  2. A situation report of the progress made at each of the three strategic levels.
  3. An outline of the challenges encountered in the implementation of the roadmap and good practices identified. 
  4. An outline of the lessons learnt during the implementation of the roadmap.
  5. Conclusions on the findings of the audit.
  6. Recommendations and next steps to be taken. 


The gender audit report should be of no more than 20 pages, including an executive summary.  

  • Process and timeline


The gender audit will be done in the period from May to July 2024, with the following tentative calendar: 


Deadline for submission of offers: 25 April 2024
Signature of contracts and kick off meeting : End of April 2024
Beginning of the consultancy: Beginning of May 2024
Desk review, interviews and focus groups: May 2024
1st draft of the GM audit: 15th June 2024
Feedback to the 1st draft by EuroMed Rights: 1st July 2024
Integration of the feedback: 15th July 2024
Final GM audit report: 30th July 2024

  • Required expertise, languages and portfolio


  • Academic background in gender studies, social sciences or other relevant field. 
  • Proven experience in Gender mainstreaming in general and in the elaboration of Gender mainstreaming audits specifically. 
  • Knowledge on the mainstreaming of gender with human rights based-approach framework and in human rights organisations. 
  • Proven strong research, analytical, writing and editing skills.
  • Experience of working and collaborating with non-profit organisations at the international level will be an asset.
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French. Arabic will be an asset. 

  • Application procedure


Qualified and interested candidates are hereby requested to send an offer by the 25th April at the latest. The offer should contain the following: 

    • A detailed and clear methodology on how they will approach and elaborate the GM audit based on the proposed methodology and calendar. 
    • A curriculum vitae, indicating education background/professional qualifications, all past experience, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number).
  • A budget with all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, including VAT. This must include: the number of projected workdays of preparation, desk review, interviews and focus group, draft of the report, including the comments and writing the final version. 

Offers will be evaluated through the criteria mentioned above and considered on the basis of expertise, competitivity and overall feasibility of the correlation of consultancies.

Please send your candidature to EuroMed Rights Head of Thematic Programmes, Raquel Reyes i Raventós, at rey@euromedrights.net.

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