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Engineer for the supervision of WASH & sustainable energy activities in Al-Kufra – East Libya -Première Urgence Internationale Retour vers les opportunités

Première Urgence Internationale

Lance   Appel à consultants


02 Avril 2023 Il y a 1 year

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Engineer for the supervision of WASH & sustainable energy  activities in Al-Kufra – East Libya 

Summary of the ACTIVITY :

Supervision of water, sanitation (WASH) and sustainable energy activities  aiming at improving the provision of basic services in the municipalities of Al Kufra and Rubyana (South-East Libya).  

The activities will be implemented in close coordination with the municipalities   and relevant Ministries, and they will be supervised by a PUI staff on the   ground. The Consultant is expected to provide technical support to PUI field   staff and ensure the compliance with quality standards and procedures for a  cost-efficient, timely and effective implementation of the works. The  

consultancy is expected to be conducted remotely, however field visits to the   sites of activities are highly encouraged, provided that there are no   administrative or security-related impediments to travel to Libya.  


Première Urgence Internationale (PUI) is a non-governmental, non-profit, non-political and non-religious  international aid organization. Our teams are committed to supporting civilians’ victims of marginalization and  exclusion, or hit by natural disasters, wars and economic collapses, by answering their fundamental needs.  Our aim is to provide emergency relief to uprooted people in order to help them recover their dignity and  regain self-sufficiency.  


PUI Libya mission is looking for an engineer to supervise the technical aspects of WASH and sustainable energies activities in the municipalities of Al-Kufra and Rubyana (South-East Libya). The intervention aims at  improving the provision of basic services, by rehabilitating public infrastructure and providing equipment and  supplies to the targeted municipalities, along with capacity building, as per the following activities: 

– Rehabilitation of Al-Kufra and Rubyana water network, through provision and installation of water  pumps; 

– Supply of solar panels for public lightening in Al-Kufra; 

– Supply of waste management equipment (garbage containers, garbage track and suction truck); – Contribute to the design of training materials for the WASH and energy sector. 

The consultant will contribute to the finalisation of the needs assessment and development of the Bill of  Quantities (BoQ). S/he will support the Logistic Departments in the procurement procedures and selection of  suppliers and contractors to make sure all technical specifications are met. S/he will supervise the progress  of the works on the ground, ensuring the timeline and work plan are followed. S/he will be responsible of  updating the BoQ in case amendments will be needed during the works implementation. S/he will be in 

charge of ensuring the quality of the works delivered, and supervise the handover process ensuring all  documentation is signed and PUI procedures met. 

S/he will contribute to the development of training materials to support the municipalities and respective  ministries in the management of the resources that will be provided in the scope of the project, supporting in the identification of gaps and development of tailored training contents. 

S/he will liaise and coordinate with PUI programme and logistics departments, to ensure good  communication and ultimately a smooth implementation of the works. 

Provided that there will be no administrative barriers or security constraints, field visits to the sites of the  activities are highly encouraged. 


The consultancy will be implemented in the framework of an EUTF/AICS 12 months project. The WASH and  sustainable energy activities, subject of this consultancy, have been identified through a joint assessment  involving the municipalities.  

The activities are expected to contribute to improving basic services delivery, starting in March 2023. The  activities will be part of an integrated response adopted by PUI’s in its area of intervention. They will be complemented by a community awareness component in the targeted areas of Al-Jawf (Al Kufra city) and  Rubyana, aiming at providing assistance to the most vulnerable populations and ensure that persons in need  have access to safe and dignified services and full respect of their rights. 

To accomplish the objective of this consultancy, PUI is currently seeking the technical support of an engineer  who will be in charge of the supervision of the quality and progress of the activities that will be implemented  through contractors. The consultancy is expected to last from April 2023 to December 2023. 30 working days, which will be scattered throughout the duration of the activities, have been estimated to accomplish the  deliverables of this consultancy.  

Below a tentative timeline for the consultancy. 

Task  Estimated number  of days  Tentative schedule
Revision and validation of the technical  assessment and BoQ  April 2023
Revision of the technical report  April 2023
Writing of the technical section of the call  for tender  May 2023
Participation to the supplier selection  process June 2023
Supervision of the work (frequency to be  discussed and agreed upon depending  on the pace of the works) 16  August-December 2023 
Revision and validation of the work  completion report and activity final report  December 2023


The plan for the field visit will be agreed by both parties, based on the needs. 


To implement quality activities, PUI is currently seeking the technical support of a civil engineer for the  supervision of wash and sustainable energies activities. 

The objectives are: 

Validate the needs assessment and BoQ 

Support the programme and logistics departments in the selection of the contractors/suppliers with  technical inputs 

Support PUI staff on the ground in monitoring the progress of the implementation of the work, and  supervise their quality 

Revise and provide inputs to the works progress periodical report prepared by PUI staff  

Ensure the works are properly handed over and all required documentation signed (handover  certificate, BoQ, works completion certificate) 

Contribute to the development of training materials to support the municipalities and respective  ministries in the management of the equipment provided 

Revise and validate the activity final report. 

This support should include: 

Visits to the sites of the works if possible 

Regular meetings with PUI programme team and logistic department to share updates on the  progress of the works, and alert in case of any delays/change in the timeline of the activities 

Means of support: 

The consultant will be able to use PUI office, laptop and internet connection, visibility. PUI will share with the  consultant the templates that will be required to provide the deliverables (BoQ, work progress report, work  completion report templates). 


9 months to be planned in a suitable manner along with PUI team. This might be reassessed  according to the needs during the partnership. 


The support provided will lead to the elaboration of: 

Updated electrical, water and sanitation rehab needs assessment report  BoQ of the works, updated/emended if needed during the works implementation Technical inputs for the selection of the contractors/suppliers 

Technical training materials for public employees of the water, sanitation and energy departments Monthly inputs on the progress report shared by PUI field staff 

Works completion report 

Final activity report 


Mandatory requirements: 

A degree in civil, water or electrical engineering 

At least 5 years of experience in the supervision of civil works, namely electrical, water and  sanitation rehab activities 

Knowledge and experience in humanitarian and emergency projects, preferably WASH, energy and/or rehabilitation activities  

Knowledge and experience of supervision of activities in Libya is an asset 

Fluent English (spoken and written). Arabic language is an asset. 

Preferred (but not mandatory): 

Ability to travel to the sites of the works  


Applicants are required to submit the following: 

  • Technical & Financial detailed offer  
  • CV in English 
  • Copy of Degrees 

Deadline of the proposal submission: 02/04/2023. 

Application to be addressed to: 


PUI_LBY_23020_ToR_Engineer for Solar Panels WASH works supervision_FOR CALL FOR TENDER_FV 

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