24 Juin 2019 Il y a 5 years
The MMC is a leading source for independent and high-quality data, research, analysis and expertise on mixed migration. The MMC aims to increase understanding of mixed migration, to positively impact global and regional migration policies, to inform evidence-based protection responses for people on the move and to stimulate forward thinking in public and policy debates on mixed migration. The MMC’s overarching focus is on human rights and protection for all people on the move. The MMC focuses on 6 core regions, with regional teams in each of these: Eastern Africa & Yemen; North Africa; West Africa; the Middle East, Asia and Europe. Read more about the MMC here: www.mixedmigration.org. The MMC is part of the Danish Refugee Council (DRC), a leading humanitarian organization responding to displacement and mixed migration in 40 countries.
Since 2014, MMC has been implementing the Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism initiative (4Mi), a growing network of monitors stationed in key migration hubs in more than 20 countries along 7 major migration routes, who are interviewing refugees and migrants on the move on a continuous basis, providing a solid evidence base on the needs and protection incidents facing people on the move. Read more about 4Mi here: http://www.mixedmigration.org/4mi/.
The Mixed Migration Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi) consists of a unique network of field monitors situated along frequently used routes and in major migratory hubs. It aims to offer a regular, standardized, quantitative system of collecting primary data on mixed migration flows.
Field monitors are trained and closely supervised and use a smart phone-based survey application to record and transmit completed interviews to regional 4Mi hubs for storage and analysis. 4Mi uses standard closed question interview surveys to invite respondents to anonymously self-report on a wide range of issues that results in extensive data relating to individual profiles, migratory drivers, means of movement, conditions of movement, the smuggler economy, aspirations and destination choices.
With funding from DFID, the MMC now wishes to set-up 4Mi in Tunisia with the aim to gain a greater understanding of mixed migration dynamics. Therefore, MMC is looking for a partner to pilot the implementation of 4Mi in Tunisia collecting a total of 1200 4Mi surveys.
The standard 4Mi survey questionnaires will be used. Data will be collected by field monitors trained in operating the smart-phone based 4Mi surveys.
As a minimum three geographical locations are quested:
Recently arrived migrants and refugees from all nationalities who have been at the location of the interview for less than two years. Ideally targeted groups will include migrant workers, migrant students, asylum seekers and refugees from all nationalities.
4Mi field monitors should be selected in order to access the wider population possible. At minimum, the monitoring team should cover requested language skills: English, French and Arabic. Also, field monitors must be recruited taking gender balance into account.
The consultancy is expected to be completed no later than by 31st December 2019. The total number of surveys to be collected is 1,200. These will be paid in monthly instalments upon MMC’s review and approval.
The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
The Mixed Migration Centre will be responsible for the following tasks:
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 11 June 2019
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