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(Offre en Anglais)Culture Resource announces the call for applications for the position of Managing Director of Culture Resource. Retour vers les opportunités


31 Janvier 2017 Il y a 8 years

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Détails de l'opportunité

Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Arts/Culture

This position is based in Beirut and interested applicants must have a legal working permit to work in Lebanon.

The key tasks and responsibilities for this position include:

  • The design and development of the organization’s programs with the assistance of staff and with the approval of the Artistic Board;
  • The supervision of the implementation of these programs, including setting criteria for evaluation, revision, and reassessment on a consistent basis;
  • Ensuring the availability of the necessary financial resources to sustain the organization’s work and the preparation of annual budgets for approval by the Artistic Board and General Assembly;
  • Representing the organization in the media, legally and publically within the Arab region and internationally;
  • Carrying out the day-to-day work within the organization and the supervision of staff, which consists of 15 full-time staff members in Beirut.


Culture Resource is one of the largest independent cultural organizations in the Arab region and works in three main areas:

  • Supporting artists, writers and emerging cultural institutions in the Arab region;

  • Improving the conditions of cultural work politically, legislatively and economically;

  • And, presenting and promoting important creative works to the Arab public.

Founded in 2004, the work of Culture Resource is overseen by a General Assembly, consisting of 30 members from 13 Arab countries, which votes for the Artistic Board every three years. The organization continuously aims to broaden the circle of those benefitting from its services and to effectively respond to political, social and cultural changes in the region. As a result of its activities and services over the years, Culture Resource has been able to support the work of over 900 artists, writers, and cultural managers through its services and engage with hundreds of thousands of audience members in the region through the various public events it organizes, including theatre and music. Consequently, Culture Resource represents one of the most successful experiments in civil society work in culture in the region and has earned great respect at both the regional and international level.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • A minimum of ten years of experience as a cultural manager directing a large cultural organization(s) and/or projects;
  • Have developed a good reputation as a cultural manager or cultural activist both within the Arab region and internationally;
  • Possess excellent abilities to communicate, connect and interact with people from different cultures and diverse backgrounds;
  • Have the capability to safeguard and maintain both the reputation of the organization and its relationships with other organizations and its beneficiaries; and considers him/herself part of the team, which includes both the organization’s staff and its members in the various Arab countries;
  • Have formulated a unique vision of how to develop the organization’s programs, expand the circles of beneficiaries of the organization’s services and increase awareness about the organization and its work, both within the region and internationally;
  • Possess outstanding and demonstrable skills in fundraising, financial planning, management of staff, and evaluation and monitoring;
  • Are able to work under the supervision of the elected Artistic Board and in close cooperation with members of Culture Resource in the various Arab countries.

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Offre d'emploi Publié sur Jamaity le 8 December 2016

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