19 Mai 2024 Il y a 10 mois
The production of 3 case studies in line with the project MEL plan – Consultancy service
Location: Tunisia – Tunis
The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We create friendly knowledge and understanding between the people of the UK and other countries. We do this by making a positive contribution to the UK and the countries we work with – changing lives by creating opportunities, building connections and engendering trust.
We work with over 100 countries across the world in the fields of arts and culture, English language, education and civil society. Each year we reach over 20 million people face-to-face and more than 500 million people online, via broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934, we are a UK charity governed by Royal Charter and a UK public body.
British Council Tunisia employs approximately 70 members of staff. Our activities are broad-based, including a thriving Teaching Centre, growing Exams business, and a sizeable portfolio of grant, partnership and externally-funded English, Education, Arts and Society programmes and projects.
The Supplier will advise the implementation of the EU4Youth. The project is a co-delegation between AECID, the British Council, and FIIAPP, with AECID as the lead partner. The overall value is Є15.460.000. Through this project, and the wider framework of the overall EU4YOUth Initiative for Tunisia (Є60m from 2018), the European Union aims to support the social and economic inclusion of young people across the country. To contribute specifically to this, our joint project’s overall objective / expected (long-term) impact is: “The inclusion and participation of young vulnerable Tunisians in public life is strengthened through creativity, culture and sport while taking into consideration the different forms of exclusion”.
The AECID, British Council, and FIIAPP approach to delivering these outcomes is based on the following:
The realization of case studies in relation to the interventions financed by the project.
1.1 The context
The project “Participation and inclusion of young Tunisians through creativity, access to culture and sport at local level” or Maghroum’IN is component 2 of the European Union’s EU4Youth programme in Tunisia under an agreement with the Tunisian government.
Within EU4Youth, the Maghroum’IN component aims to strengthen the inclusion and participation of young Tunisians in vulnerable situations (JSV) in public life through creativity, culture and sport, while taking into account the various forms of exclusion.
Maghroum’IN is being implemented by AECID (the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation), FIIAPP (the International and Ibero-American Foundation for Public Administration and Policy) and the British Council, in partnership with the Ministry of Cultural Affairs and the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
The project has a Theory of Change (ToC) based on three specific objectives (SO):
SO1. Young Tunisians in vulnerable situations enjoy greater autonomy in the fields of sport and culture.
SO2. Young Tunisians in vulnerable situations are supported and encouraged to maintain a lasting commitment to change in the fields of sport and culture, by informing political, social and economic life in Tunisia.
OS3. Young Tunisians in vulnerable situations are represented and heard in the decision-making processes concerning their cultural and sporting lives, thereby informing political, economic and social life in Tunisia.
Expressed through three results (R):
R1. Local governance is strengthened with more participatory, transparent, efficient and inclusive action to facilitate the inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations and their participation in social and economic development through culture and sport.
R2. The capacities of Tunisian civil society (state and non-state actors and JESV) involved in culture and sport for the inclusion of young people in vulnerable situations are strengthened.
R3. Increased professional integration and employability of vulnerable young people, and entrepreneurial creativity encouraged in the fields of culture and sport.
1.2. The project’s MEL approach
As part of the implementation of the project’s MEL strategy, the MEL plan provides for a series of case studies of JSV inclusion projects carried out by partner organisations (R2), and components implemented directly by the project such as interventions in the project’s 10 impact zones (R1), the JSV empowerment programme (R2), and the learning and sharing labs (R2). The case studies will be used to evaluate the approaches adopted, to learn from them and to build on them. They will also feed into the project’s strategic communication.
1.3 Mission objectives
The Maghroum’IN project wishes to recruit two national consultants to carry out 3 case studies of specific interventions carried out by partner civil society organisations with groups of young people in vulnerable situations in order to improve the socio-economic inclusion of the young people targeted and their well-being through sport and culture. The case studies should make it possible to :
– Compare the approaches to inclusion adopted by the project promoters and understand their specific features.
– Assess the extent to which the exclusion factors faced by young people have been alleviated and the extent to which these interventions have achieved their results.
– Identify areas for improvement that will inform the next phases of the Maghroum’IN project.
They should answer the following questions:
– What are the socio-demographic profiles of the young beneficiaries of the inclusion programmes and what are their socio-economic realities?
– What are the main barriers to the social and economic integration of these young people?
– What innovative strategies are used by partner organisations to promote the inclusion of vulnerable young people through cultural and sporting activities?
– How are these strategies adapted to local contexts and to the specific needs of the young participants?
– What practical lessons can be learned from the experience of organisations in implementing these projects, and what best practice can be shared?
– What role do local partnerships and multi-sector collaboration play in the success of these initiatives?
2.2. Selection of case study interventions :
Maghroum’IN will provide the consultants with the list of projects that will be the subject of the case studies.
2.3 Methodology:
2.4. Data collection:
The consultants will have to travel around Tunisia for field visits, interviews and focus groups. They may use remote interviews where justified.
2.5. Data analysis
2.6. Report writing :
The consultants must submit :
A scoping report detailing the proposed methodology for each case study.
A revised methodology after the start of the assignment
Three case study reports including a description of the interventions, a summary of the results, analyses and recommendations to strengthen the effectiveness of the interventions, as well as suggestions for relevant public policies.
A 3-page summary version of each case study.
2.7. Reporting the results :
The consultants will take part in a feedback session to present the results to the relevant stakeholders. They will facilitate discussion to gather additional comments and perspectives.
Consultants will be required to travel throughout Tunisia to conduct field visits and interviews. Remote interviews may be organised if necessary.
Consultants will be expected to meet deadlines for deliverables and maintain regular communication with the project team.
– Expertise in monitoring, evaluation and learning methods (MEL).
– In-depth knowledge of the local context and social dynamics (knowledge of the dynamics of culture and sport is a plus) in Tunisia.
– Advanced analytical skills and ability to work with qualitative and quantitative data.
– Excellent written and verbal communication skills in Arabic and French.
– Flexibility, adaptability and social and cultural sensitivity.
April – May 2024
The assignment is estimated at 20 man-days. Applications from teams of two consultants are accepted.
Role specific knowledge and experience
Essential | Desirable | Assessment stage |
Knowledge and professional experience in the area of MEL especially those around civil society strengthening and youth governance and participation.
Demonstrated technical experience Monitoring Evaluation, reporting and Learning; Outstanding communication, interpersonal and leadership skills; Excellent presentation skills. |
Excellent organizational and time management skills.
Excellent verbal and written communications skills. |
Shortlisting and Interview |
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Appel à dons Publié sur Jamaity le 13 mai 2024
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