أعبّر عن رأيي

Call for tender-DRC عودة إلى الفرص

Danish Refugee Council

يطلق   Appel d’offres

انتهاء الصلاحية

10 فيفري 2025 Il y a 1 mois

شارك الفرصة على

تفاصيل الفرصة

الجهات المعنيّة بهذه الفرصة Tunisie

The Danish Refugee Council (DRC) has received a grant from donors for the implementation of the humanitarian aid operation entitled Development. Therefore, the DRC requests you to submit price bid(s) for the supply of the item(s) listed on the attached DRC Bid Form Annex A.


The Tender details are as follows:

Line-Item            Time, date, and address as appropriate

1            RFP published    03/02/2025

4            Closing date and time for receipt of bids/proposals               10/02/2025

5            Tender Opening Location            DRC Office Tunis

6            Tender Opening Date and time 11/02/2025

Submission of Bids

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full bid is received by DRC in accordance with the RFQ requirements, prior to the specified date and time mentioned above. DRC will consider only those portions of the bids received prior to the closing date and time specified.

All responsive Bids shall be written on the DRC Bid Form (Annex A.1 and A.2).

Beyond the DRC Bid Form, the following documents shall be contained with the bid:

  • Tender & Contract Award Acknowledgment Certificate (Annex B).
  • Supplier Profile and Registration form (Annex E),
  • General Conditions of Contract
  • Supplier Code of Conduct
  • Proof of Authorization to Work in Tunisia (RNE)
  • VAT Registration Certificate
  • Passport Copy

Bids not submitted on Annex A or not received before the indicated time and date as set forth on page 1, or delivered to any other email address, will be disqualified.

Bids submitted by email are at the Bidders risk and DRC takes no responsibility for the receipt of such Bids.

Bidders are solely responsible for ensuring that the full Bid is received by DRC in accordance with the RFQ requirements.

Annex C_ General Conditions of Contract (1)

Annex B_Supplier Code of Conduct (1)

TOR_Team Building_Final

DRC-ALT-TUN-RFQ-Annex A 1-2025-006- Teambulding Activitis services

DRC-ALT-TUN3-RFQ-Annex A 2-2025-006-Team Building Activities services_Technical Specifications

Annex E_Supplier Profile and Registration Form ENG

Annex D_ Supplier Profile and Registration

انتهت صلوحية الفرصة

للأسف هذه الفرصة لم تعد موجودة على جمعيتي . زوروا بانتظام قسم الفرص لتجنب افلات الفرص اللاحقة

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Appel d’offres منشور على "جمعيتي" في 3 février 2025

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