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Call For Proposals -OMCT Retour vers les opportunités

Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture

Lance   Appel à candidatures


30 Juillet 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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CALL FOR PROPOSALS « Towards a referral mechanism to support victims of torture inside Libya


1 | Context and justification

In Libya, the fragility of the State and the proliferation of armed groups have fueled the armed conflict of which the civilian population suffers in the first place. This situation of insecurity and the collapse of the rule of law contribute to systematic and serious violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law. War crimes and crimes against humanity are perpetrated with complete impunity. Thousands have been subjected to arbitrary arrests, torture and other forms of ill-treatment in formal and informal detention centres, including political opponents, activists, migrants, protesters, journalists and doctors. Women are no exception.

Due to the current situation, victims’ access to medical or psychological services, as well as legal assistance, is not an easy task. This requires the combination of all forces to present to the victims initiatives that allow them to alleviate their suffering by providing them with professional help  that can meet their needs in terms of legal, psychosocial and medical assistance.

2 | Objective of the call for proposals

The objective of this proposed call is to support professionals involved in the promotion and protection of human rights to provide psychosocial and/or legal assistance to victims of torture inside Libya.  


3 | Who can apply?

  • The applicant must be a legal entity such as a non-profit organization, a medical centre, or a law firm. 
  • The applicant must be involved in the promotion and protection of human rights. 
  • The applicant must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action. 


4 | Activities covered by the proposal

The proposal should include elements related to assistance to victims of torture such as: screening, interviews, primary legal counsel, psychological initial assessment or pro-bono legal representation of detainees and/or victims of torture. The legal representation may consist of working on improving their detention conditions and pushing their cases to public prosecutor review or international mechanisms.


The request must be based on a detailed proposal with a specific objective that reflects the relevance of the project. The request must be subject to good planning of actions in terms of duration, impact and budget. Only the most relevant and promising projects proposed by capable applicants will be covered financially.

More specifically, the eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The relevance of the project with regard to the local context and the objective of the call;
  • The potential impact and sustainability of the action;
  • The capacity of the campaign leader to implement it (action plan and clear methodology for project management);
  • Tangible and quantified result indicators.


5 | Selection process


Call opening dates: from 30/06/2021 to 30/07/2021.

A selection committee composed of OMCT members and its partners will select five proposals (5) based on the previously defined criteria. 

The OMCT will perform the finalization of the project proposal details, budget, and the signature of the contract.


6 | Grant arrangements

The grant amount will be up to EUR 12,000 for an execution period of up to 10 months.

The OMCT support can cover up to 100% of the total cost of the action. The applicant is not required to make a financial contribution to the action submitted.

Note that the exact amount of financial support will be determined based on the assessment of the proposed actions and the submitted budget and discussed by the requesting organization. 

To ensure proper implementation of the action as well as fruitful communication, follow-up meetings (in person or virtual) will be held monthly between the applicant and the OMCT, in addition to the submission of a narrative and financial report of the funding period.



About the OMCT (World Organization Against Torture)

The OMCT is a non-governmental, non-lucrative organization that works with 200 member organisations to end torture and ill-treatment, assist victims, and protect human rights defenders at risk wherever they are.

Together, we make up the largest global group actively standing up to torture in over 90 countries. We work to protect the most vulnerable members of our societies, including women, children, indigenous peoples, migrants and other marginalized communities. To achieve this, we advocate with governments to change or implement their laws and policies, we help victims seek justice and strive to hold perpetrators to account. Because torture can never be tolerated, and human dignity is not negotiable.


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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 4 juillet 2021

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