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Call for new member of Tunisian Youth Sounding Board Retour vers les opportunités


16 Novembre 2023 Il y a 8 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Call for new member of Tunisian Youth Sounding Board

Do you want to promote youth involvement in development projects? Do you have ideas and  perspectives on how to improve the lives of young people in your country? Do you want to  share your opinions and give feedback on activities supported by the Danish-Arab Partnership  Programme (DAPP)? Are you a resident of Tunisia? Then, we need you onboard.  

We offer you a chance to become a member of a Youth Sounding Board in Tunisia providing  feedback on the activities implemented by the partners of the Danish-Arab Partnership  Programme (DAPP). As a member of the Youth Sounding Board, you will receive personal  training and become a part of a vibrant youth network in the region, working to enhance youth  empowerment and youth participation in Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, and Egypt.  

What is the Youth Sounding Board?  

The Youth Sounding Boards are a way of creating meaningful youth inclusion in DAPP  activities and to ensure that activities are conducted with, by and for youth. Therefore, you will  be asked to share your opinion, thoughts, and ideas on the programme and how the programme  contributes to improve the life of young people. In each of the four DAPP countries (Tunisia,  Morocco, Jordan and Egypt), a Youth Sounding Board was established in 2022, consisting of 4  young people from each country. Now we need a new member to join the Tunisian board. 

As a member of one of the Youth Sounding Boards, you will be introduced to a theoretical  framework on youth inclusion and receive a practical toolbox. 

The Youth Sounding Board members will:  

Participate in one annual regional meeting in Tunisia or Jordan, and approximately four  annual meetings in your home country. 

Side 1 

Participate in project visits to observe and interview volunteers, partners and other  youth participating in the DAPP activities.  

Share your ideas, opinions, and thoughts on these activities and on how youth  involvement can be strengthened and how activities can be improved to create a better  life for youth.  

Who are you?  

We aim to create Youth Sounding Boards that are inclusive and diverse. Therefore, we  encourage you to apply regardless of your area of age, interests, gender, ethnicity, religion, and  socio-economic background. Candidates with special needs or representing minority groups  are encouraged to apply.  

All candidates must be between the age of 18-30 by the end of the application period. You must  be a resident in Tunisia. 

The candidates will be selected based on the:  

Experience in youth empowerment or youth participation. 

Motivation to strengthen youth participation or to improve the lives of youth. Motivation and creativity to provide ideas and inspiration. 

English language skills are an advantage, but not a requirement.  

Willingness to be a part of the board from 2024 to 2027. 

Other practical details:  

All cost (food, transportation, visa, hotel) in relation to meetings, project visits and  seminars will be covered.  

How to apply:  

You apply by completing the following steps:  

  1. Fill the application form  
  2. Create a short video (max. 2 min) where you motivate your application  3. Send your application and video by email to sdh@duf.dk.  

It is an advantage to fill the application form and do the motivation video in English

You application must be submitted no later than 16tt of November 2023. Applicants shortlisted  for interviews will be invited for online interviews held on the 29th and 30th of November 2023.  

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact sdh@duf.dk. 


Call for new member of Tunisian Youth Sounding Board

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