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Call for applications – International Republican Institute Retour vers les opportunités

International Republican Institute

Lance   Appel à candidatures


26 Avril 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Procurement Number:  MENA2021T03o
Open Date:  April 12, 2021
Questions Deadline:  April 19, 2021
Closing Deadline:  April 26, 2021
Geographical Area Restrictions:  937
Point of Contact:  Ms. Yasmine Chaouch, IRI Program Coordinator,  ychaouch@iri.org

Background: The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan,  organization dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide. Since 1983, IRI  has worked to develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of  international programs to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law  worldwide. IRI provides technical assistance in the areas of political party strengthening,  developing civic institutions and open elections, promoting democratic governance and  advancing the rule of law.  

IRI is supporting Tunisian civil society organizations to promote the meaningful  participation of citizens in the political process, especially traditionally marginalized  populations including women, youth, persons with disabilities, and rural Tunisians. 

Eligibility: Registered Tunisian civil society organizations are eligible for funding.  Period of Performance: June 1, 2021 – May 31, 2022 

Statement of Work: IRI is seeking applicants to implement projects with one of the  following goals: 

  1. Promote engagement between specific marginalized communities and elected officials,  including local councils, municipal offices, and parliamentary representatives. These  initiatives can include facilitating meetings between elected officials and their constituents,  and campaigns targeted at elected officials to inform them of the priorities of the  communities that they represent. 


  1. Conduct civic education initiatives to increase the understanding of citizens, especially  those from marginalized communities, of the political system. Initiatives can approach this  goal by training and supporting members of marginalized groups seeking greater  leadership roles or public office, or collaborating with civic institutions or the media to  amplify or produce civic education materials and information to reach a diverse audience  nationwide.

Proposals must clearly demonstrate how the stated activities will achieve the desired  results. Proposals should also indicate specific groups that will be targeted and the how the  selected approach will resonate with each target audience. Successful projects will specify  an intended beneficiary group, including but not limited to: women, youth, persons with  disabilities (PwD) and/or rural communities in southern or interior regions. Projects should  differentiate activities that will be conducted specifically for marginalized groups and for  local, regional, or national audiences. Use of mass communication tools including media and  social media networks is strongly encouraged. Applicants are also encouraged to partner  with other organizations, individuals or institutions to facilitate reaching larger or more  diverse populations.  

Successful proposals will also include a COVID-19 risk mitigation plan, outlining how the  proposed project will conform to current health and safety protocols. The risk mitigation  plan should also include alternatives to activities that would require physical contact in case  conditions do not permit them to go forward


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Registered Tunisian civil society organizations are eligible for funding.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 13 avril 2021

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