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Awareness-raising campaign on torture and ill-treatment inside Libya – OMCT Retour vers les opportunités

Organisation Mondiale contre la Torture

Lance   Appel à candidatures


08 Octobre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

1 | Context and justification: 

The exacerbation of the armed conflict in Libya in the recent years has exposed the civilian population to the atrocities of war with direct consequences on their safety. The country’s fragile political and security environment, and the absence of the rule of law constitute a complex environment exposing civilians in general and human rights defenders in particular to violence, ill-treatment and torture.

In this context, the role of Libyan civil society has been limited and their action on the ground puts them at risk. Add to this, the lack of awareness-raising and mobilization campaigns among the general public of the severe repercussions of torture on establishing the rule of law and the stability in the country is one of the major factors hindering support for victims at the local level. Major reform projects are yet to come, and more specifically with regard to the fight against torture and impunity in Libya. For this reasons, awareness-raising actions must send a clear and strong message to the general public.

2 | Objective of the call for proposals: 

The objective of this proposed call is to support grassroots CSOs and initiatives inside Libya to raise awareness about torture and human rights violations.

3 | Supported activities:  

The proposal should be about torture issues inside Libya with the aim of raising awareness about torture and human rights violations.

Activities such as:

  • A research paper, 
  • An investigative report, 
  • A series of newspaper articles,
  • A series of radio or television programs,
  • A novel,
  • A short film,
  • A song, 
  • Any other artistic project.

The request must be based on a detailed proposal with a specific objective that reflects the relevance of the project. The request must be subject to good planning of actions in terms of duration, impact and budget. Only the most relevant and promising projects proposed by capable applicants will be supported financially.

More specifically, the eligibility criteria are as follows:

  • The relevance of the project with regard to the local context and the objective of the call;
  • The potential impact on the fight against torture;
  • The sustainability of the action;
  • The capacity of the campaign leader to implement it (action plan and clear methodology for project management);
  • Tangible and quantified result indicators.

 4 | Funding arrangements

The funding amount will be up to EUR 5,000 for an execution period of three (3) months.

OMCT support can cover up to 100% of the total cost of the action. The applicant is not required to make a financial contribution to the action submitted.

Note that the exact amount of financial support will be determined based on the relationship between the actions proposed and a realistic budget presented and discussed by the requesting CSO or individual with the OMCT.

To ensure proper implementation of the action as well as fruitful communication, follow-up meetings (in person or virtual) will be held monthly between the applicant and the OMCT, in addition to the submission of a narrative and financial report of the funding period.

Critères d'éligibilité

  • The applicant can be a civil society organization or individual researchers, independent artists, journalists, writers, Human rights defenders from North Africa;
  • The applicant must be involved in the promotion and protection of human rights;
  • The applicant should not be known for violating the media professional code of conduct especially in promoting hate speech or fake news.
  • The applicant must be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action.

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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 8 septembre 2020

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