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Appel d’offres – IRI Retour vers les opportunités

International Republican Institute

Lance   Appel d’offres


03 Mai 2021 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie


Procurement Number:  MENA2021T02o
Open Date:  April 12, 2021
Questions Deadline:  April 22, 2021
Closing Deadline:  April 26, 2021
Geographical Area Restrictions:  937
Point of Contact:  Talel Tlili, IRI Program Officer, mtlili@iri.org


Background: The International Republican Institute (IRI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan,  organization dedicated to advancing freedom and democracy worldwide. Since 1983, IRI  has worked to develop democratic institutions and ideals, carrying out a variety of  international programs to promote freedom, self-government and the rule of law  worldwide. IRI provides technical assistance in the areas of political party strengthening,  developing civic institutions and open elections, promoting democratic governance and  advancing the rule of law.  

IRI is supporting Tunisian political parties and civil society organizations to promote the  meaningful participation of citizens in the political process. The goal of this project is to build  cooperative relationships between Tunisia’s political parties, civil society, and the media to  encourage more representative and responsive governance inclusive of citizen needs and  priorities. To this end, IRI is supporting Tunisian civil society organizations to promote  productive engagement between political parties and the public. 

Period of Performance: June 1, 2021 – December 31, 2021 

Statement of Work: IRI is seeking applicants to implement projects that increase public  engagement between citizens and political parties on specific policy issues. Successful  projects will include a key theme of policy advocacy and will explain how they will engage  political parties and/or elected officials to advocate for these policies or initiatives that  address constituent priorities. Use of mass communication tools including media and social  media networks is strongly encouraged. Successful projects will include activities such as:  

  1. Televised townhalls and Facebook Live sessions engaging political parties, civil  society, citizens, and the media. These events will give officials an opportunity to  discuss issues and the steps they are taking to address them with their  communities, as well as to receive feedback from constituents.  
  2. Constituent meet-and-greets providing a forum for party leaders and elected  officials to interact with citizens and civil society activists. These represent an  opportunity for elected officials to directly interface with their constituents,  including civil society groups and marginalized communities, who can advocate  for issues that matter to them and help hold their representatives accountable. 
  3. Policy development sessions convening experts, political leaders, and advocacy  groups to discuss policy issues and propose solutions to key policy problems. 


Proposals must clearly demonstrate how the stated activities will achieve the desired results.  Proposals should also indicate specific groups that will be targeted and how the  selected approach will resonate with each target audience. 

Successful applications will also include a COVID-19 risk mitigation plan, outlining how the  proposed project will conform to current health and safety protocols. The risk mitigation  plan should also include alternatives to activities that would require physical contact in case  conditions do not permit them to go forward


Selected applicants will be required to develop an M&E plan under IRI’s supervision upon  receipt of the award. 

Technical Applications: 

All applications must include a comprehensive explanation of the methods to be used for  implementation. Applications must not exceed 10 pages and must include the following  information: 

  1. Problem Statement the project intends to address 
  2. Project Description 
  • Include general overview of project, including the overall strategy and  objectives/goals for the project 
  • Explain if planning on using subcontractors for any tasks and/or any  partnerships with other organizations, individuals, or institutions 
  • Specify intended beneficiary group(s) of project 
  • Specify target number of beneficiaries the project intends to reach 3. Activity Timeline/Work Plan 
  • Include detailed description of the project activities, including proposed  location(s) of activities and proposed timeline for activities 
  • Specify intended outputs/outcomes of each proposed activity 

Additionally, not included in the 10-page limit: 

  1. The first page of the application must show the following:  
  2. The name, address, DUNS Number (required) and telephone and facsimile  numbers of the Applicant (and electronic address if available); 
  3. A statement specifying the extent of agreement with all terms, conditions, and  provisions included in the solicitation and agreement to furnish any or all  items for which prices are offered;  
  4. A statement concerning whether or not the applicant has received a  Negotiated Indirect Rate Cost Agreement from the US Government, currently  or in the past. If yes, please attach NICRA. 
  5. Names, titles, and telephone and facsimile numbers, and electronic addresses  of persons authorized to negotiate on the Applicant’s behalf with IRI in  connection with this RFA; and  
  6. Name, title, and signature of person authorized to sign the proposal.  Applications signed by an agent shall be accompanied by evidence of that  agent’s authority, unless that evidence has been previously furnished to the  issuing office.  
  7. Applicants shall provide a list of at least five previously executed awards of a similar  nature for the last three years along with the contact details for each funder. IRI may  contact the funder as a reference check. 
  8. Applicants shall provide a list of at least five program beneficiaries for previously  executed grants of a similar nature for the last three years along with the contact  details for each. IRI may contact the individuals as a reference check. 
  9. Applicants shall provide third-party evaluations of past activities if available. 5. All applications must include background on the organization’s prior experience as it  relates to the requested scope of work. 
  10. Resumes of all individuals who will be responsible for the programmatic and financial  management of the award must be attached. 
  11. Describe current and past projects and funding sources and any potential impact  current activities might have on this award. 
  12. Describe accounting practices and organizational infrastructure, as well as technology and intellectual property owned by the organization, which will be used  to complete the scope of work. 
  13. Applicants shall provide audited financial statements and management letters for the  last three years. 
  14. Applicants shall provide a copy of legal registration documents (for organizations) or  one form of legal ID (individuals). An English translation should be attached if  necessary. 
  15. Applicants shall provide a statement detailing revenue from the last three years. 12. If selected for award, the selected applicant shall provide a detailed allocation policy  if funded by more than one source, other than the current subaward.  
  16. Using the attached checklist below, the applicant should indicate what information  will be submitted for IRI’s review.  

Cost Applications

The budget should be submitted in two forms: (1) a detailed, cost category budget and (2) a  milestone budget. Interested applicants should email Mr. Talel Tlili (Mtlili@iri.org) to  request a budget template. 

1: Cost Category budget: A detailed budget in US Dollars including the specific line item  costs outlined here must be submitted to estimate project costs. Each application should 

also have a detailed explanation of why the budgeted amounts are necessary for  completing the scope of work. The total amount budgeted for this project must not exceed  $50,000 USD. 

All one-time and recurring costs must be fully described in the budget. Rates should be  quoted, inclusive of all but showing separately, costs of inspection, services, transportation,  taxes, import duties if any and other levies. 

  • Personnel – In general, employees receiving benefits from the applicant organization  are considered staff. Consultants hired to assist with the program, who do not  receive benefits, should be included under contractual. Identify staffing  requirements by each position title and brief description of duties. For clarity,  please list the annual salary of each position, percentage of time and number of  months devoted to the project. (e.g., Administrative Director: $30,000/year x 25% x  8.5 months; calculation: $30,000/12 = $2,500 x 25% x 8.5 months = $5,312.5). Travel – Staff and any participant travel: 

o International airfare 

o In-country travel (not in the United States) 

o Domestic travel in the United States, if any 

o Per diem/maintenance: includes lodging, meals and incidentals for both  participant and staff travel. Rates of maximum allowances for U.S. and  foreign travel are available from the following website:  

http://www.gsa.gov/portal/category/21287 and  

http://aoprals.state.gov/content.asp?content_id=184&menu_id=78. Per diem  rates may not exceed the published U.S. government allowance rates;  however, institutions may use per diem rates lower than official government  rates. 

o Please explain differences in fares among travelers on the same routes (e.g.,  project staff member traveling for three weeks whose fare is higher than that  of staff member traveling for four months). Please note that all travel, where  applicable, must be in compliance with the Fly America Act. For more  information see http://www.gsa.gov/portal/content/103191

  • Supplies – List items separately using unit costs (and the percentage of each unit cost  being charged to the grant) for photocopying, postage, telephone/fax, printing, and  office supplies (for example, Telephone: $50/month x 50% = $25/month x 12  months). 
  • Contractual – Estimate the direct costs for items such as translation, interpretation,  honoraria, local hires, legal fees, accounting/audit services, and any other  contractual work that will be needed as part of the project.  

o Consultant Fees: For example lecture fees, honoraria, travel, and per diem for  outside speakers or external evaluators: list number of people and rates per  day (for example, 2 x $150/day x 2 days). 

  • Other Direct Costs– these will vary depending on the nature of the project. The  inclusion of each should be justified in the budget narrative. Audit costs can be  included if they are not part of the indirect pool and only the portion of the cost  associated with this program. 
  • Indirect/Overhead Costs – applicants can choose to budget directly for costs such as  rent, utilities, technology, human resources and other general operating costs, or a de  minimis rate of 10% can be applied to the total amount of direct expenses budgeted.

Organizations that have had an approved NICRA in the past or currently, cannot use  the 10% de Minimis; they must budget and report directly on the indirect costs of the  project. 

2: Milestone Budget: Using the format below, provide the estimated timeline of activities and  corresponding payments: 

Evaluation and Award Process:  

  1. Applications will be evaluated by IRI for compliance with administrative  requirements, previous experience of similar projects by the Applicant, technical  capacity, the qualifications of the personnel for the project, and prices. IRI may  contact the Applicant’s previous clients and may obtain any information related to  other projects that the Applicant has executed. IRI may contact any applicant for  clarification or additional information, but Applicants are advised that IRI reserves  the right to make decisions based solely on the information provided with the  applications. IRI may but is not obligated to conduct additional negotiations prior to  issuance of a contract, and may at its sole discretion elect to issue contracts to one or  more applicants.  
  2. Mathematical errors will be corrected in the following manner: If a discrepancy exists  between the total price proposed and the total price resulting from multiplying the  unit price by the corresponding amounts, then the unit price will prevail and the total  price will be corrected. If there were a discrepancy between the numbers written out  in words and the amounts in numbers, then the amount expressed in words will  prevail. If the Applicant does not accept the correction, the offer will be rejected.  
  3. IRI may determine that an application is unacceptable if the prices proposed are  materially unbalanced between line items or sub-line items. Unbalanced pricing  exists when, despite an acceptable total evaluated price, the price of one or more  contract line items is significantly overstated or understated as indicated by the  application of cost or price analysis techniques. An application may be rejected if IRI  determines that the lack of balance poses an unacceptable risk.  
  4. IRI will conduct a Technical/Price Weighted evaluation and source selection based  on evaluation factors listed below. Technical evaluation factors have a total of 75 points; price evaluation has a total of 25 points. These factors will serve as the  standard against which all technical information will be evaluated, and identify the  determination factors that Applicants should address. IRI intends to evaluate  applications in accordance with the Statement of Work of this RFA and make an 

award to the Applicant achieving the highest combined score proposal (technical and  cost), demonstrating both technical compliance and price reasonableness.  5. If a cost realism analysis is performed, cost realism may be considered in evaluating  performance or price. 

Evaluation of Applications:  

  1. The applications will be evaluated by a technical evaluation committee using the  criteria shown below. When evaluating the competing applications, IRI will consider  the written technical/capability information provided by the applicants, and any  other information obtained by IRI through its own research.  
  2. The criteria listed below are presented by major category, so that Applicants will  know which areas require emphasis in the preparation of their applications.  3. IRI will evaluate applications in accordance with the technical criteria and weightage  shown in the table below. A total 100 points are assigned according to the following  criteria: 
Criteria      Points
Compliance with content requested: The extent to  which the firm’s proposed solution fulfills IRI’s  stated objectives as set out in this RFA.    30
Past Performance: The applicant’s stability,  experience and record of past performance.     30
Organizational Capacity: An assessment of the  organizational capacity to achieve the proposed  activity set out in the application.    15
Cost efficiency: Cost, flexibility and transparency of  applicant’s financial application.     25
Total    100


Critères d'éligibilité

  • Registered Tunisian civil society organizations and media groups are eligible for funding.

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