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Appel à candidature pour le premier sommet international de la jeunesse à la jeunesse (Y2Y) (Offre en anglais) Retour vers les opportunités


15 Janvier 2015 Il y a 10 years

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International Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Summit

‘’The Role of Youth in Solving Global Challenges and Bridging Gaps among Nations’’


If you are an active youth and interested in connecting with 60 passionate young people from across the world and 20 Lithuanian delegates, we invite you to join us in Vilnius, Lithuania from 16-19 April, 2015 for the first International Youth to Youth (Y2Y) Summit: ‘’The Role of Youth in Solving Global Challenges and Bridging Gaps Among Nations’’. The event will feature highly experienced speakers across the youthrelated fields that will provide an extra bridge to the discussion and will contribute to the outcomes of the event.

The aim of the Summit is to bring together the brightest students, youth activists, leaders in the society, entrepreneurs, professors, diplomats and businessmen to start a dialogue on global challenges of today and tomorrow and to take concrete actions on the ways to solve them.

The International Y2Y Summit is designed to take place once a year in a different country with a general theme relevant to youth. The annual Summit will become a platform for the young people as future leaders of the world to hone their leadership, diplomacy, cultural, intercultural communication, critical thinking and self-development skills.


We believe that the only way we can solve problems is by coming together and starting a dialogue!


On 16-19th April 2015 in Vilnius, Lithuania 80 international delegates will take part in an International Y2Y Summit ‘’The Role of Youth in Solving Global Challenges and Bridging Gaps Among Nations’’.

The aim of the event is to bring together the brightest students, youth activists, leaders in the society, entrepreneurs, professors and businessman to start a dialogue on global challenges of today and tomorrow and to create specific solutions to address them.

Organization ”Opportunity Development’‘ is the main organizer of the Y2Y Summit 2015 in Lithuania, while e-globalknowledge is the main content contributor of the summit.

Organization ”Opportunity Development” is aiming to facilitate the dialogue across cultures, countries and various environments and bring a new edge to the debate on the contemporary challenges by providing both a platform online and offline for young activists.

E-globalknowledge movement is run by young people for young people which aim is to engage more actively youth in an entire range of global issues and speak up.


Objectives :

  • To draw the Youth to Youth Summit Declaration which will define and serve as guidelines for expressing the united youth position and voice on the 6 most sensitive and relevant topics to youth;
  • To develop 6 specific actions which will be implemented back in the home countries of the participants after the summit for each of the 6 main topics covered during the summit;
  • To select the board of Youth to Youth Summit representing the youth from all the continents of the world. The board will be selected for a period of 1 year for the coordination and organization of the Y2Y Summit 2016, coordination of Y2Y Summit 2015 follow-up activities, promotion of the Y2Y Summit and development of it;
  • To release ‘’Yellow Pages’’ as a follow-up activity of the summit as Y2Y Summit recommendations and proposed solutions to solve the main global challenges discussed during the event;
  • To select the topic and the organizers of the Y2Y Summit 2016;
  • To create the Y2Y Friend’s Network which will serve as a space for strengthening unity between youth from different continents of the world, as well as bridging the gap among the continents;
  • To select the Youth to Youth Ambassador representing the youth from all the continents of the world.

The event will cover 6 topics:

  • Social entrepreneurship as a tool to decrease youth unemployment;
  • Youth as ambassadors of peace education;
  • Youth role in decision making process;
  • Development education/education for all;
  • Empowerment of female youth;
  • Youth in diplomacy;


The event will include various activities such as:

  • Panel sessions;
  • Interactive workshops;
  • Role model games and simulations;
  • Drawing the declaration of the Y2Y Summit;
  • Development and creation of scenarios and strategies for real youth involvement in solving local and global challenges;
  • Exhibition of cultural and traditional things;
  • Cultural performances (participants, embassies, etc.);
  • City tour;


Highly experienced, known and appreciated speakers will come to the forum to contribute to the outcomes and content of the conference. To mention few: representative of the Ministry of Bangladesh; representatives from Common Wealth Youth Program, World Youth Assembly, AEGEE-Europe, European Youth Foundation, European Youth Council, Global Shapers Community of World Economic Forum, Dignitaries from Lithuanian Government, Parliament, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Peace Revolution and many more.

International Y2Y Summit will become a platform for youth as future leaders of the world to hone their leadership, diplomacy, cultural, intercultural communication, critical thinking and self-development skills.



Please note that while we offer a number of fee waivers and scholarships for travel, we will probably not be able to fund all the participant’s attendance. The following fees have been established:

  • 100 Euros for international participants residing outside Lithuania.
  • 100 Euros for Lithuanian participants (accommodation covered).
  • 30 Euros for Lithuanian participants (accommodation not covered).

The fee covers accommodation, food, materials for sessions.

The participation cost has been set with a view that it is considerably affordable for participants coming from all backgrounds. However, international participants are expected to cover their return traveling expenses and visa cost.

Please choose one of the following statements that are most applicable to your situation in case you get selected to take part in the summit:

  • I will be able to pay the participation and travel costs to the Y2Y Summit.
  • I will not be able to pay my travel costs but I will be able to pay the participation fee.
  • I will be able to pay my travel costs but not the participation fee.
  • I will only be able to attend the summit in case I get fully funded*
  • I will only be able to attend in case I get a partial financial assistance**

* if so, provide us with the approximate travel and visa costs.

** please specify how much money would you expect Y2Y Summit to contribute towards your participation in the event.

More details please visit the website : http://y2ysummit.org

Critères d'éligibilité

  • Citizen of any country across the world
  • Be no younger than 18 and no older than 35 years old
  • Demonstrate strong interpersonal skills and potential to become a key leader in your community
  • Passion to create positive social change and willingness to use Y2Y experience in your leadership position
  • Be active either in politics (local, national, or international), civil society organizations, media, the business sector, local communities, faith based movements, and other fields
  • Good knowledge of written and spoken English

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