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African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) Tunis is looking for Facilitation Services Retour vers les opportunités


25 Août 2019 Il y a 6 ans

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The Tax Justice Network Africa (TJNA) in partnership with ObservatoireTunisien de l’Economie (OTE) and African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) are organising African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) Tunis, Tunisia. The African Parliamentary Network on Illicit Financial Flows and Taxation (APNIFFT) was launched in 2015 and provides a platform for African legislators to undertake advocacy related dialogue and debate in a simplified manner on Illicit Financial Flows (IFFs), tax governance and Domestic Resource Mobilisation (DRM) in Africa. APNIFFT has a basic governance structure and constitution.  It includes parliamentarians who are members of both national and regional parliaments. As of 2017, APNIFFT had recruited 72 members from 11 African countries. TJNA provides coordination support to APNIFFT and facilitates trainings. The focus of these trainings is to build the capacity of parliamentarians to understand and debate issues related to IFFs and fair taxation systems.The skills development meeting for African parliamentarians on tracking, stopping and retrieving illicit financial flows in Africa will take place on 5th and 6thSeptember 2019 in Tunis, Tunisia.

In this regard, TJNA is seeking to recruit facilitators to work with the Secretariat in coordinating and delivering a successful APNIFFT event. Details of the role are below. The rapporteur will work closely with and report to the APNIFFT Coordinator.


The focus of these training is to build the capacity of parliamentarians to understand and debate issues related to IFFs and fair taxation systems.

  1. To equip targeted MPs with skills to understand, identify monitor policies and mechanisms that facilitate IFF from Africa.
  2. Develop the legislative capacities to curb IFF and support domestic resource mobilization
  3. Share and exchange peer lessons from successful efforts undertaken by legislature to address IFF.
  4. Develop understanding of existing opportunities, initiative and tools to support legislative capacity on IFF in Africa.


The training is a unique programme that brings together tax justice enthusiasts and experts to share and deliberate with an objective of transforming the sector. Participants have the opportunity to share their experiences on tax injustices and voice their opinions on causes of IFFs and how best to mitigate the vice. The fundamental principles of the workshop are intended to be as follows:

  • Participatory: Sessions must engage all participants to ensure maximum dialogue and networking.
  • Interactive: Sessions must be interactive, using group work and practical exercises to stimulate experience sharing and learning.
  • Technical: Facilitator to ensure that participants acquire the relevant technical knowledge on the topics covered in the training.
  • Proven and documented: The training design and facilitation methodology must be based on well-documented, tested and proven concepts and approaches. Preferably, the methodology shall be referenced and described in case studies, or in other sources, by other clients.
  • Tangible outputs produced: The training design and facilitation methodology must ensure each participant obtains tangible outputs that are ready to be presented to stakeholders for potential implementation upon return to their respective countries.
  • Outcome-oriented: The facilitator methodology must enable measurable outcomes for each participant, such that he/she can demonstrate the value of their participation in the workshop.
  • Collaborative: The facilitation methodology must encourage collaboration throughout to create the foundation for future networking among the participants

Scope of work

Throughout the sessions, the facilitator will work in consultation with TJNA task team. The consultants will liaise with the Secretariat to achieve the deliverables described hereafter. The design of the workshop agenda and methodology will need to be carefully calibrated with the composition and level of experience, needs and expectations of the participants, and should engender active participation and open discussion, while drawing on the specific and sometimes politically-sensitive lessons learned in a constructive manner.

In undertaking the above tasks, the facilitator will be briefed Mrs. Farah Nguegan, Communications, Campaigns and Outreach Manager, TJNA.

The facilitator is expected to undertake the assignment during the period from 05th to the 6th June 2019 .

Expected Outputs

  • Development of a Course Guideline and presentation of the assigned topics.
  • Share all training materials and presentations for workshop two (2) weeks before event.
  • Effective facilitation of the workshop on the assigned sessions.
  • Workshop process report with a focus on key insights, evaluation, and recommendations
  • Produce simple handouts/presentation in favour of each session.

Expected outcomes

  • Improve participant’s confidence and capacities in addressing Tax related issues.
  • Influencing and embedding the tax justice agenda in their institutions culture and ways of working.
  • Networking and learning among wider stakeholders on Tax related issues.


All contracts for services related to the training shall strictly follow the procurement rules of TJNA. Any contract that does not follow those rules will be considered null and void unless there has been exceptional clearance by the Executive Director.TJNA will not be liable for any misplacement of relevant documents.


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