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PANEL: Addressing police brutality as a form of torture Retour vers l'agenda


24 Mars 2021 à partir de 14:00


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Région(s) concernées par cet événement: Tunisie
Domaines concernées par cet événement: Santé et 4 autre(s) domaines
Police brutality against demonstrators, minorities, the poor and the marginalised has sharply spiked across the world in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Activists and experts from the SOS-Torture Network will discuss the global scope of this problem, which is often neglected and rarely recognised or sanctioned as a form of torture, and examine the growing use of crowd control weapons and their serious impact on health.
Participants will share lessons learnt on the importance of monitoring, litigation and advocacy to bring justice to the victims and to promote a culture shift from police as a means to control to a police corps that is at the service of society.
Nils Melzer
UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Michael Hamilton
Chair @ ODIHR Panel of Experts on Freedom of Assembly & Senior Lecturer @ University of East Anglia
Elsy Chemurgor Sainna
Deputy Executive Director @ ICJ Kenya
Rohini Haar
Expert in health and human rights and adjunct professor at UC Berkeley’s School of Law
Kerry McLean
International human rights lawyer and international development consultant

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