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The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD)

The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) HD

Particularités du PTF : ONG Internationale


The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) is a Swiss-based private diplomacy organisation founded on the principles of humanity, impartiality and independence. Our mission is to help prevent, mitigate, and resolve armed conflict through dialogue and mediation.

HD uses the tools of private diplomacy to expand the space for the non-violent resolution of armed conflict. We open channels of communication and mediate between parties in conflict, facilitate dialogue, provide support to the broader mediation and peacebuilding community, carry out capacity building work, and conduct research on mediation issues. We deploy our expertise to support local processes that protect civilians and foster lasting and just peace. Our position enables us to link and collaborate with multiple organisations and actors within the mediation field.


HD was founded to pursue Henry Dunant’s vision of a world more humane. HD embraces a set of values that foster integrity, professionalism and respect for diversity in all areas of its work. We subscribe to the core humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality and operational independence.

Those values and principles, as well as HD’s operational standards are reflected in the HD Charter. This Charter, which guides HD’s activities, was adopted in 2013 following an internal review of the organisation’s identity, values and principles.


As a private peacemaking organisation, our strengths and distinguishing traits include:

  • The ability to conduct mediation at the leadership level of parties in conflict;
  • Political independence and impartiality;
  • Rapid, flexible response and the effective management of discreet processes;
  • Readiness to support other lead mediators;
  • Relationships with high-level networks;
  • Creativity and willingness to take risks for peace;
  • Capacity to convene.

HD pursues its objectives with a commitment to new approaches, to learning and to collaboration, working with others across borders, beliefs and professions. Since the organisation began operations in 1999, it has established itself as an institution that is reliable, discreet and astute.

HD’s operational work strongly relies on service-oriented corporate services (Human Resources, Finance, Communications, Fundraising Logistics and IT) to guarantee efficiency and compliance in a fast moving environment. The organisation operates as an international organisation under a host state agreement with Switzerland.



Headquarters Office 114 rue de Lausanne, 1202 Geneva, Switzerland

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