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Le Conseil Italien pour les Réfugiés

Le Conseil Italien pour les Réfugiés CIR

Implanté depuis 1990

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre ONG Internationale

The Italian Refugee Council is an independent humanitarian organization formed in 1990 in Italy, at the initiative of the United Nations, with theThe objective of defending the rights of refugees and asylum seekers. The CIR works to encourage access to the protection of people fleeing from war and persecution and to help build decent reception and integration conditions in full respect for human rights.

The CIR is a onlus, endowed with legal personality, and has a light structure of legal practitioners, social, cultural mediators, doctors and psychologists.

CIR operates at national and European level as well as in North Africa, in a coordinated manner with other civil society organisations. The CIR does not have a specific state funding but operates on the basis of projects approved and financed by the UN, the European Union, the Italian Government, regions, municipalities and private foundations.


Our projects aim to promote access to the Protection, The Welcome, Integration, the enjoyment of rights, social and psychological support, and The voluntary return. Since 1996 the CIR also carries out specific projects in favour of refugees surviving torture. In 25 years the CIR assisted over 120,000 people, helped rehabilitate approximately 4000 victims of torture and fought for the recognition of their rights. Very much we did in terms of reception and protection, but much remains to be done.

The many refugees who are coming on our coasts – fleeing mostly from Syria, Iraq, Eritrea and Afghanistan – need protection, acceptance and integration.

The resources that come from public structures for the financing of the above projects are unfortunately insufficient in the face of the new tasks that the world scenario poses. This is the reason why we intend to solicit the support of a network, as wide as possible of friends and supporters.


  • Protection of civil rights
  • Social assistance and sociosanitary training


17 Avenue Ennil, Cité Milaha, Ariana, Tunis

Opportunités 8 opportunités au total

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