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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program South Mediterranean Retour vers toutes les associations

Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program South Mediterranean


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Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program South Mediterranean


Pourcentage de données disponibles:

Domaine(s) de l'association : Gouvernance

Dernière mise à jour: 2 avril 2020
L'association est aussi connue sous le nom de : KAS
Président(e) de l'association : Dr. Canan Atilgan
Vis-à-vis avec l'association : Malte Gasseling

The Regional Programme Political Dialogue and Regional Integration South Mediterranean (PolDiMed) of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is based in Tunis and implements cross-national projects with reference to South (Maghreb) and East Mediterranean (Mashrek). Its objective is to strengthen the political dialogue and societal and economic integration in the Mediterranean region and to sustainably promote cooperation and partnership with the European Union.

Following core areas fall within the programme’s scope:

  1. Supporting regional economic and societal integration
  2. Strengthening cross-regional cooperation as part of the European Neighbourhood Policy
  3. Facilitating dialogue and enhancement of cooperation with the EU
  4. Promoting cross-national exchange particularly in regard to security, refugee and migration policies and strategies
  5. Supporting reform processes regarding regional issues in the Southern Mediterranean

Target groups are primarily reform-oriented decision-makers and junior fellows from politics, economics and academia, who consider democratic principles and economic integration as key areas for peace, freedom and economic prosperity in the region.

An important instrument for implementing these goals is cross-country and cross-regional dialogue programmes such as workshops, conferences or information and study visits together with international, European and local experts. The activities are designed to enhance the exchange of information and experiences. Furthermore, policy papers and researches illustrate concepts for partnership-based cooperation and raise awareness among decision-makers for integrated, cross-regional solutions to challenges such as migration, refugee and terrorism.


Le Prestige Business Center No F.0.1. Rue du lac Windermere, Les Berges du Lac, 1053 Tunis


Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Regional Program South Mediterranean est structurée en tant que: Association internationale

Événements 1 événement au total

Projets 0 projets au total

Opportunités 7 opportunités au total

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