Presentation of IDH
Freedom, peace, equality, dignity, and welfare are the principles on which the Institute was founded.
These values demonstrate the fruit of human intelligence in its most pure and clear form. At the International Institute of Human Development, our purpose is a universal human rights system; rights as interdependent and complementary as all indivisible and inalienable human rights.
- Our Vision
- The contribution to development in its comprehensive and lasting meaning in its various social aspects, political, economic and cultural.
- The fight against the marginalization of vulnerable groups.
- The dissemination of the culture of human rights, democratic culture, and civic education.
- Promotion of partnership and cooperation between the different national sectors, whether regional or international governmental or non-governmental.
Help to build new relationships between political and social segments while also highlighting the economic actors (private sector) by creating an area of multiparty democratic dialogue and a new culture of mediation.
Advocates new creative training methods, construction of a new terminological apparatus adapted for education in citizenship and democratic culture.
Opts for the adoption of new strategies and approaches within civil society. It seems that to begin to access to marginalized areas, women and teenagers require exploring them through pilot programs and integrated spaces.
- Ethics Charter
- Loyalty to the nation, the Universal Principles of Human Rights.
- Neutrality policy and work on a wide ideological spectrum.
- Integrity, Transparency democratic and inclusive management of the organization.
Organization Structure (organigram)
- Executive Board: Steering committee and legal representative of IDH
- Advisory Council: Commission consisting of the competencies that support the IDH on issues related to strategy & guideline.
- Tunisia Youth Platform: Space of creation, proposal, action, design of reflection for young people at IDH.
- Gender Circle: Network for building women’s capacity and promotion of women’s rights, launching Women for Peace and Security initiative, in compliance United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325.
- IHD Brain Box: Platform research & Reflection Circle, based on the action-research approach.
Our Mission
- Assist in reforms during the transition period.
- Strengthen capacities of civil society actors and political society in democracy.
- Promoting political, social, and economic mediation and arbitration in times of conflict.
- Facilitate democratic dialogue and multi- stakeholder debate between different political, social, and economic actors.
- Create a research and strategic reflection platform on human development issues.
- Consolidating the role of women in peace building.
- Improving the capacities of young people, especially adolescents, to engage in the prevention against violent extremism.
- Help shape policy vision of reforms during transition
- Build the capacity of civil society and political actors, especially those of women
- Promote skills for mediation in social and economic arbitration in conflict period
- Facilitate dialogue and democratic multiparty debate between different political, social and economic stakeholders with a focus on new women leaders
- Create a platform for research and strategic reflection on issues of human development
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