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Kick-off BLADI

10 mars 2019

Kick-off BLADI

Within the framework of BLADI’s project implemented by Amideast in partnership with Shanti and Jamaity, a Kick-Off  organized by Jamaity took place to showcase the BLADI’s selected associations and announce the launching of the project to Media and Civil Society actors.

Objectives of the Kick-Off:

The objectives of the Kick-Off consist in:

  • Present BLADI’s project to Civil Society’s actors (Partners, Objectives, What has been done…).
  • Introduce the 20 selected associations to follow BLADI’s program;
  • Delivering two Panel discussions to share experiences with the selected CSOs and the guests.
  • Give the selected CSOs the change to network with other associations, Organizations, Technical and Financial Partners to exchange experiences and transfer knowledge and lessons learned from their projects.

The Kick-Off lasted for three hours and was divided into three major session:

The first session was dedicated to present BLADI, Where Sami Belhoula, the project’s manager ensured the welcoming of guests, talked about the reason behind BLADI’s project, the EOI launching, and showed a 2d animation video prepared by Afkart Production about the project, its objectives, its target, and its different steps. After the project’s manager’s speech, Jamaity’s representants Nour Kaabi- Executive Director- and Emna Trabelsi -BLADI Coordinator- presented the role of Jamaity in the 

implementation of BLADI: 

EOI launching, Outreach sessions, Selection process, and announced the twenty selected associations. The first session was enclosed by Shanti where Lobna Saidi introduced Shanti’s role during the project which is the training and the individual support they will give to the selected associations. 

The second session was dedicated to the transfer of knowledge where two panels took place to better help the selected associations in implementing their future BLADI’s projects financed and implemented with the support of BLADI’ s team.

The two Panels were moderated by Zied Bousen, a local expert and a former trainer in Decentralization and Territorial Diagnosis.

The first panel: Inclusion and engagement of marginalized groups at the local level.

The aim of this panel is to focus on the causes and effects of marginalization through a sociological, psychological, and an artistic point of view. that is why the speakers were:

A sociologist: Sofien Jabalah

A psychologist: Rim Ben Ismaiel

An Artist: Raouf Ben Yaghlane

A CVE, PVE expert: Abdelwahab ben Hfaiedh

The Second Panel: Community Mobilization: Experiences and Lessons Learned

This panel aims to create exchanges on the different associative experiences of community mobilization.

Speakers were representatives of associations and coalitions working on marginalization, preventing violent extremism, and community mobilization:

Adam Mokrani, (CTESG);

Houcine Karim Glayed, (LTC);

Dr. Chokri Elfidha, Association Tunisia plus.

The Last session was devoted to networking. This session gave to the selected association the opportunity in an informal way (Diner Cocktail) to exchange with the speakers, the invitees, and BLADI’s team.

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