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Institut du Développement Humain

Institut du Développement Humain IDH

Implanté depuis 2013

Particularités du PTF : Partenaire Financier Partenaire Technique mécanisme d'appui supporté: Appel à candidatures mécanisme d'appui supporté: Candidature libre ONG Internationale

Presentation of IiDH

  • Our Values

Freedom, Peace, Equality, Dignity, welfare are the principles on which the Institute was founded.

The values that are the fruit of human intelligence in its most pure and clear demonstration. At the International Institute of Human Development, our reference is universal human rights system, as interdependent and complementary rights as indivisible and inalienable rights.

  • Our Vision
    • The contribution to development in its comprehensive and lasting meaning in its various social aspects, political, economic and cultural.
    • The fight against the marginalization of vulnerable groups.
    • The dissemination of the culture of human rights, Democratic Culture and Civic Education
    • Promotion of partnership and cooperation between the different national actors, regional and international governmental and non-governmental.
  • Our Strategic Vision

IiDH is trying to help build new relationships between political and social actors also highlighting the economic actors (Private Sector) by creating an area of multiparty democratic dialogue and a new culture of mediation

IiDH advocates new creative training methods, construction of a new terminological apparatus adapted for education in citizenship and democratic culture.

IiDH opts for the adoption of new strategies and approaches within civil society. It seems that access to marginalized areas, women and teenagers requires testing it through pilot programs and integrated spaces.

  • Ethics Charter

 Loyalty to the nation, the Universal Principles of Human Rights.
Neutrality policy and work on a wide ideological spectrum.
Integrity, Transparency democratic and inclusive management of the organization.

Organization Structure (organigram)

1. The Executive Committee: the Executive Committee is the legal representative of the Institute.
2. The Consultative Council: a consultative committee composed of seniors and juniors skills that support the Institute on issues related to strategy major guidelines.
3. The Platform 4Youth: a space for creation, proposal, action for young members of the Institute. This platform will work on suggesting new strategies to engage youth for positive change and against growing violence and radicalization in the society.
4. The Platform 4Women : a Network for women’s empowerment and promotion of their rights.
This platform will work on suggesting new strategies to engage women for positive change and against growing violence and radicalization in the society. Tunisia4Women will work on violence against women and Women4Tunisia will work on politcal empowerment of women especially in local elections and local institutions.
5. The Platform 4CSR Private Sector is the Brain Box of IiDH: a Research Laboratory and a Circle of reflection with a focus on the Private Sector Traget interested in Social Corporate Responsibility. We will work on new creative strategies to support transition in Tunisia and to offer policy briefs about different transitional issues. ( for 2016-2020 we will focus on violence against women, women political empowerment, women’s role in peace building.


Our Mission

  • Promote and monitor respect for human rights, specific rights of women and youth.
  • Support efforts to establish the rule of law and the dissemination of the culture of compliance
  • Facilitate the democratic debate between the various political, social and economic.
  • Encourage citizen involvement, the culture of citizen participation and inclusive approaches.
  • Provide a space of research and strategic thinking.


  • Help shape policy vision of Reforms during transition
  • Build the capacity of civil society and political actors. Especially those of women
  • Promote Mediation skills, Social and Economic Arbitration in Conflict Period
  • Facilitate dialogue and democratic multiparty debate between different political, social and economic stakeholders. Our focus is new women leaders
  • Create a Platform for Research and Strategic Reflection on issues of human development.


Centre Urbain Nord Immeuble Le Palace (face Clinique Jasmin) Bloc A - Floor 4 - Appt. A.4.5.1

Opportunités 1 opportunité au total

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