Exprimer mon avis

Local Democracy

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 28612Local Democracy
Publié le 11-07-2015. Ajoutée le 11 December 2017

Etudes & Rapports au format Documents PDF

These constitution-building primers
are intended to assist in-country
constitution-building or constitutionalreform
processes by: (i) helping
citizens, political parties, civil society
organizations, public officials and
members of constituent assemblies, to
make wise constitutional choices; and
(ii) helping staff of intergovernmental
organizations and other external
actors to give good, well-informed
and context-relevant support to local
decision-makers. The primers are
designed as an introduction for nonspecialist
readers, and as a convenient
aide-memoire for those with prior
knowledge or experience of constitutionbuilding.
Arranged thematically
around the practical choices faced by
constitution-builders, the primers aim
to explain complex issues in a quick and
easy way.

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