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Electoral Justice System Assessment Guide

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance 28612Electoral Justice System Assessment Guide
منشور في01-05-2018. أضيفت في11 February 2020

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The Electoral Justice System Assessment Guide was produced by International IDEA, with Bawaslu agreeing to play a ‘thought and practice’ leadership role on the topic of electoral justice in the context of the Asia-Pacific region by assessing its organization and operations against the working principles outlined in the Guide.
The draft Assessment Guide identifies key principles in setting a framework for a robust electoral justice system, including from the perspective of complainants and respondents: fairness, lawfulness, professionalism, transparency, accessibility, timeliness, and education, and from the perspective of electoral justice system institutions: independence, impartiality, efficiency and effectiveness, accountability, professionalism, inclusivity, and adaptability.
The production of this report has been based on the speakers’ presentations, conference minutes submitted by the rapporteur assigned to the plenary and breakout sessions, and photographs taken during the Conference. The draft report was sent to the respective speakers and rapporteurs for verification, feedback and approval before submission to Bawaslu and International IDEA for publication.
The structure of this report is as follows. Chapter 1 summarizes the concept and development of electoral justice. Chapter 2 presents the preliminary findings of a selfassessment undertaken by Bawaslu using the Assessment Guide. Chapter 3 details the feedback from the Pilot Conference on the Guide itself, including overall comments, feedback on individual sections of the Guide, and feedback through the lens of relevant stakeholders in the electoral cycle. Chapter 4 outlines some closing remarks and comments on the way forward.
The Pilot Conference programme is included as an Annex

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