أعبّر عن رأيي

Sustainable Management of Marginal Drylands (SUMAMAD) – Phase2 عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 11 mois

Jan 2015 Dec 2015

Budget du projet:

1480050 دولار أمريكي ($)

شارك المشروع على

مزيد من التفاصيل

The second phase of the project (2009-2013) focuses on building the capacity of dryland researchers to transfer their scientific findings for use in policy-level decision-making through the development of evaluation approaches fostering sustainable land and water management.

As recommended by the Tunis Declaration (2006), future scenario development and economic evaluation of ecosystem services will be key tools for such assessments.

These tools will be explored through a participatory approach, involving local communities (landowners, farmers and other stakeholders)

جهات مستفيدة

أريانة et 23 جهة (جهات) أخرى

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