أعبّر عن رأيي

Promoting Freedom of Expression in Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع:

Jul 2015 Jul 2015

Budget du projet:

3103448 دولار أمريكي ($)

شارك المشروع على

الهدف العامّ

The objective of the project is to support freedom of expression and the role of free, independent and pluralistic media in advancing democratic transition and development, citizen participation, respect for human rights and long-standing peace in Arab States.

مزيد من التفاصيل

The objective of the project is to support freedom of expression and the role of free, independent and pluralistic media in advancing democratic transition and development, citizen participation, respect for human rights and long-standing peace in Arab States.

The project will be implemented in Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia and Yemen.

جهات مستفيدة

أريانة et 23 جهة (جهات) أخرى

مدعوم من طرف

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