أعبّر عن رأيي

Hand in Hand for Positive Change: Promoting the Role of Civil Society to Influence Policy عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 11 mois

Jan 2017 Dec 2017

Budget du projet:

23722 يورو (€)

شارك المشروع على

Les organismes impliqués dans ce projet:

الهدف العامّ

To advocate and promote solutions for improved living conditions of Palestinians in the West Bank from within communities.

أهداف خصوصيّة

Strengthening the role of CSOs in influencing public policy and services to address community needs through networking of Fifteen CSOs and their promotion of dialogue with Palestinian Authorities at the local, regional and national levels around three main topics:

  • Environmental and health protection
  • Socio economic empowerment of marginalized groups (youth, women, persons with disabilities)
  • Preservation of culture, heritage and land

مزيد من التفاصيل


  • National Government Representatives
  • Local Government Representatives
  • Community members
  • Women
  • Youth groups
  • Partner CSOs

Main activities:

  • A1.1 Meetings by CSOs with local authorities to facilitate dialogue around community concerns relevant to the three thematic sectors of environmental and health protection, socio economic empowerment of marginalized groups (youth, women, persons with disabilities), preservations of culture, heritage and land.
  • A1.2 CSO Network meetings to define and create joint lists of community concerns, relevant policies enforcement under the three thematic concerns.
  • A1.3 Advocacy meetings/ round table discussions with national authorities to discuss government stance, and existing policies on joint CSOs lists and national strategies action plans.
  • A1.4 Bridging the gap between community issues and policy makers through CSOs facilitation of field visits by decision makers to explore issues pertaining to targeted communities.
  • A1.5 CSOs implement campaigns and initiatives within their communities on pre-identified issues of concern relevant to each community.

Expected results:

  • R1.Palestinian authorities at local and national levels include unaddressed policy issues promoted by CSOs related to political, environmental and social community concerns on national agendas.
  • R2. Community members are aware of political, environmental and social issues impacting their lives and understand their roles as agents of change and accountability from within their communities.
  • R3. CSOs seek increased role in governance provision demanding spaces in policy making dialogues and acting as hubs for civic participation in their communities.

جهات مستفيدة

Palestine et 1 جهة (جهات) أخرى

مدعوم من طرف

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