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Forum of Federations: The global Network on Federalism and Devolved Governance عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 2 mois

Dec 2013 Feb 2014

شارك المشروع على

مزيد من التفاصيل

• During the last two decades, issues of decentralization, deconcentration and Federalism were at the center of political debates and reforms if not revolutions in various developed and developing countries. The basis of decentralization is that it allows to better take into account the preferences of local stakeholders, residents, civil society in the provision of many public goods and services. With decentralization, the public investment model approximates advantage of local real needs. Indeed, decentralization encourages the development of public policies best suited to local realities, especially in a context of great inequality of resources. Decentralization is not a simple administrative organization of powers, it is also an investment where the citizen has the opportunity to recognize local choices. This is the closest sphere of citizens for the exercise of democracy. • A low level of political participation of women in decision-making in both political parties and in the associations of civil society, despite their significant involvement and political activism during times of revolutions and revolts. This twofold observation motivates the implementation of a report on gender and decentralization in four countries of the MENA region: Jordan, Tunisia, Yemen and Libya. By assessing the inclusion of gender in each concerned country in the processes of decentralization implemented, the aim here is to highlight both shortcomings and progresses through a comparison with international best practices

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تونس et 2 جهة (جهات) أخرى

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