أعبّر عن رأيي

Empower capacities of EWASH to be active player and contributor in the WASH Sector عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 1 an(s)

Dec 2016 Dec 2017

Budget du projet:

21989 يورو (€)

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Les organismes impliqués dans ce projet:

الهدف العامّ

Coordinating the work and harness the resources of EWASH, into a common strategic approach to advocacy for the WASH sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

أهداف خصوصيّة

  • O1. Enhance the participation of EWASH and promote networking among WASH actors by Finding EWASH Coordinator.
  • O2. Develop EWASH participation in decision making process related to WASH.
  • O3. Reinforce EWASH advocacy capacity to contribute to national reform and policies.

مزيد من التفاصيل


  • 27 organizations working in the Water, Sanitation & Hygiene sector in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.
  • WASH actors and Palestinian Authority institutions.


Main activities:

  • A1 Capacity Development:
    • Output 1.1 Full time EWASH coordinator.
  • A2 Advocacy Work :
    • Output 2.1 Monthly EWASH meetings,
    • Output 2.2 information from different organizations is gathered,
    • Output 2.3 newsletter for EWASH,
    • Output 2.4 EWASH is presented in several events,
    • Output 2.5 Networking and coordination among WASH actors is promoted,
    • Output 2.6 EWASH participation in decision making process.

Expected results:

  • R1. WASH related activities and policy implementation is monitored.
  • R2. The profile of water and sanitation issues in the OPT are raised to policy-makers, media and civil society organisations.
  • R3. The institutional relationships with EWASH members and key stakeholders are developed and managed.
  • R4. Palestinian rights to water are advocated at national and international level.

جهات مستفيدة

Palestine et 1 جهة (جهات) أخرى

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