أعبّر عن رأيي

A Consolidated Disability Rights Movement for Inclusive Political and Legislative Reform in Tunisia عودة إلى المشاريع

مدّة المشروع: 1 an(s)

Aug 2015 Aug 2016

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Les organismes impliqués dans ce projet:

الهدف العامّ

This project is intended to support the following strategic goal:

Pluralistic societies built where diversity is reflected in social organizations, politics, business, media and government and where all citizens have equal standing, protected by guaranteed rights and by independent and effective courts of law.

أهداف خصوصيّة

MEPI Objective, Project-Specific Objectives and Performance Indicators :

This project will contribute to the MEPI objective listed below.

This project will be accountable for achieving the project-specific objectives listed below.

The project will report against the indicators listed below to measure progress towards achieving the project-specific objectives.

Each indicator will include a definition, baseline, target and data source as part of the SOW.

مزيد من التفاصيل

This project aims to ensure that people with disabilities (PwDs) in Tunisia participate actively and in a coordinated manner in upcoming political and legislative reform processes, in order to promote the fulfilment of PwDs’ rights as outlined in the International Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the 2014 Tunisian Constitution.

To reach this goal, the project will strengthen the capacities and consolidate the structure of the Tunisian Organization for the Defense of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (known as OTDDPH for its French acronym), while supporting specific advocacy actions at the national level and in four targeted governorates (Kasserine, Médenine, Kef and Sidi Bouzid).

A particular focus will be placed on local disability leaders who will be supported to establish branches of the OTDDPH to promote the rights of PwDs at the local level, and to lead targeted advocacy actions within the framework of the 2016 local elections and decentralization process as outlined in the new Constitution. These actions will focus primarily on promoting adherence to the Charter of Tunisia on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities among local authorities and political leaders, and increasing awareness and understanding of the Charter among media representatives and persons with disabilities themselves.

Advocacy relating to the Charter will build on the success of earlier national-level efforts that include signatures by 12 national political parties and the newly elected President of Tunisia. Awareness-raising campaigns at national and local levels planned through the project will also encourage PwDs and their families to participate in the 2015 local electoral process in order to ensure that disability issues are present during the campaign and its aftermath

جهات مستفيدة

القصرين et 3 جهة (جهات) أخرى

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