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Des Stagiaires -Association L’impact Durable des Jeunes”Youtheon” Retour vers les opportunités

Association Youtheon

Lance   Appel à candidatures, Offre de stage


25 Septembre 2020 Il y a 4 ans

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Détails de l'opportunité

Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Jendouba
Domaines concernées par cette opportunité: Citoyenneté et gouvernance

Youtheon is recruiting interns to join the team for the first Cohort under the project We_Build and work in the current projects and activities. We provide interns with valuable experience with a dynamic team in an enabling environment. Our formal internship program typically requires 10 hours per week for the duration of the six months (some flexibility may be allowed at the discretion of the office if arranged prior to the start of internship).


Founded in October 2015 as a university club (Club of Creation and Technological Innovation) and legally registered in 2018, Youtheon (Association L’impact Durable des Jeunes) is a youth-led NGO that aims to inspire each young person to reach his fullest potential and play a constructive role in society. Youtheon`s primary mission is to contribute to the creation of an inclusive society, which will be in the position to develop and grow a sustainable living environment. Particularly, our major concern refers to the challenge of education within fourth dimensions: (1) Democracy and active participation (2) Technological inclusion, as well as (3) environmental education and (4) leadership development for employment. Youtheon is an active member contributing constructively in the Euro-MED Youth Federation. It has an extended network of partners in Europe, as well as a Quality label for sending volunteers under the European Solidarity Corps.


{*} Boosting your CV and adding valuable experience to it.

{*} Gain free materials and tools to enhance knowledge.

{*} Opportunity to develop further into a youth associate role.

{*} Priority in our international opportunities.

{*} Opportunity to be featured in our official website and social media platforms.

{*} Get a Unique Youtheon email address.

{*} Get a recommendation letter for your future applications.

{*} Get an official certificate for the internship.


(1) Interns are required to have a laptop and a good internet connexion since most of the activities, tasks, and meetings will be conducted online.

(2) Youtheon offers unpaid internships.

(3) Applications are open until *September 25, 2020*

(4) The internship starts on *October 01, 2020*

Critères d'éligibilité

  • High school student (or) University student (or) Worker.
  • There is no required past experience. However, experience with a club or an association is preferred.
  • Ability to work, meaningfully engage, and communicate with groups and stakeholders.
  • Passion for national civic movement, empowering young people.
  • Intermediate level in verbal and written communication skills in English.

L'opportunité a expiré

Cette opportunité n'est malheureusement plus disponible sur Jamaity. Visitez régulièrement la rubrique opportunités pour ne plus en rater.


Aymen Bouazizi

Program Manager

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Appel à candidatures Offre de stage Publié sur Jamaity le 1 septembre 2020

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