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Youth Public Policy Network Program -NDI Retour vers les opportunités

Institut National Démocratique

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17 Septembre 2023 Il y a 10 months

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Régions concernées par cette opportunité: Tunisie

Call For Application 

Youth Public Policy Network Program 

The National Democratic Institute is launching a call for applications for the 2023/2024 cohort of the Youth Public Policy Network. The program aims to enhance youth participation in political life by providing knowledge and tools that will enrich the understanding of public policy development and encourage political engagement of young civil society, media and political activists. 

Program Description: 

The Youth Public Policy Network is a collaborative capacity-building initiative led by the National Democratic Institute (NDI) in partnership with the South Mediterranean University (SMU). This program aims to strengthen the capacities of a selected group of young individuals actively engaged in civil society, politics, and journalism. Through a comprehensive training curriculum, the program will equip participants with the latest knowledge, methodologies, and practical tools related to public management and policy analysis, advocacy, and political communication. 

The training program consists of two distinct sets of modules. The first set, led by the South Mediterranean University (SMU), focuses on Public Policy and development. Its purpose is to provide participants with the necessary tools to enhance their understanding of public policy processes and gain insights into the intricate social, political, economic, and institutional factors that influence policy outcomes. 

The second set of modules, facilitated by the National Democratic Institute (NDI), is focused on political skills with an aim to equip the participants with the confidence and abilities required to actively pursue roles in public leadership and policy-making. The set of modules includes advocacy, political campaigning, and communication. 

Training Duration: 

The training program consists of eight modules, each three days long (Friday through Sunday), extended over eight months (one module per month). 

Prospective selected candidates will be required to commit to participating in all training activities, throughout the training cycle. 

Participants need to be able to coordinate with their employers and other commitments so that they can be available for all sessions.

The selection process: 

The selection of beneficiaries is based on a transparent and competitive process, which includes an initial shortlist selection, a written test, and ultimately a face-to-face interview. The entire process is designed to ensure fairness and objectivity in selecting the beneficiaries. 

Targeted Profiles: 

– To be between 24 and 35 years old. 

– To hold a Master’s degree. 

– To have confirmed experience within civil society, a political party, or a media institution (conventional or alternative media). 

– Understanding of the Tunisian administrative and political context within which the public policies are made and implemented.. 

– Proficiency in Arabic and French, with a desirable knowledge of the English language. – Availability during the training session dates held in Tunis. 

NDI strongly encourages applications from youth from the regions, women, and people with disabilities. 

To submit your application, kindly send a cover letter explaining how you see yourself a potential future policy maker, and a CV to the provided email address: nditunisie@ndi.org by 17/09/2023.

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