26 Septembre 2016 Il y a 8 ans
The Young Arab Voices (YAV) is a joint regional programme between the British Council and the Anna Lindh Foundation to create and support youth debate forums in towns and villages across the Middle East and North Africa region.
The programme, since its launch in 2011, aims at developing the debating skills of Young Arab people and providing opportunities for youth-led debate across the Arab region, both real and virtual, in order to engage young people from diverse social, geographical and political backgrounds.
The YAV is taking place in Jordan, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco, and will be expanded in its second phase (2015.2018) to Palestine and Lebanon.
The Young Arab Voices organises a train of trainers’ session for four days between 20 and 23 October 2016 in Tunisia that aims at developing a potential team of trainers that will take the program to a higher level and giving them the needed skills to organise debate training sessions in their universities or associations which leads to spreading the debate and dialogue culture.
To introduce the concept of debating, its aim and its principles. To evaluate the training needs. To agree on the training goals. To choose the suitable training styles. To determine the properties and the responsibilities of an efficient trainer. To determine the training obstacles and the means to overcome them. To develop a training session plan. Moderating public debates and organising competitions. To choose the means and the efficient ways to evaluate the competence of the training/trainers and the extent of meeting goals.
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Appel à candidatures Publié sur Jamaity le 19 septembre 2016
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